Revenge, of the Spiders.

As some will recall, I battled the Spider horde in August, and won. Or so I thought. 

Last Thursday night, while sitting on the couch watching TV, I felt a pinprick to my left elbow. I looked and saw nothing on the arm of the couch, nor close by. Friday, it was itching, I wanted to use a rasp file to scratch it. Saturday it was starting to swell some. Sunday it was sore to the touch and turning red. 

Monday I visited the doctor, who gave me some antibiotics (oral). It slowed down the swelling, and I felt we would survive this one.

Wednesday, I awakened to a terrible pain, the swelling was immense, and there were red streaks up and down my arm. This happened overnight. Back to the doctor. I was given an injection of some type of very strong antibiotic, and told to continue with the Bactrim twice a day, soak the elbow three times a day and apply prescribed ointment.  Overnight, the swelling went down about 80% red streaks vanished. 

Thursday when I got up, there was redness once again, along with a slight increase in the swelling at the puncture site. So, back to the doctor. Doctor advises give it one more day, if not improving, then it may need to be opened up. 

It’s now Friday morning, about the same condition, but there is redness along the bottom of my arm. The skin is sore to the touch in that area. 

This had to be a special spider that the other survivors hired. I can just imagine him, small,  muscular. With one of those stupid bandannas around his head. Maybe some type of ninja symbol on his back. A scar near one of his eight eyes. Anyway, who the hell needs eight eyes! He could have succeeded in his “hit” with his eyes closed and three legs tied behind his back.

So I will spend this nice Friday, somewhere besides where I’d like to be. At least I’m alive to be there. 

Don’t worry, I plan retaliation on a grand scale. 

Comments welcome,