Trailerhood News (Shallow gene pools)

Cash Only, Please!

We were contacted regarding a Sugar Glider we had for sale. Michelle had been communicating with her by text all day. Seems no one uses a phone for voice anymore. At one point, after desperately trying to talk Michelle into dropping the price by half. The woman asked Michelle if she would hold the Glider for a week. When she got a negative response, the woman asked Michelle if she would take some Cealis (that her husband gets from the VA) as partial payment. When told we don’t deal in drugs, and accept cash or PayPal only, she contacted (texted) again. “You’re not a Cop, are you”? It would seem, the gene pool is getting shallower every day. Or too many episodes of “Breaking Bad” in her life.

Trailerhood moving to light speed.

We have been blessed with pretty reliable speed from Charter Cable. 100mbps download, 12mbps upload. It seems our Electrical Coop is getting into the ISP business. They are building a 400-mile Fiber Optic system for the first stage. They offer twice the speed (200mbps) for $10 less than the cable company, You can get Gigabit level for $99 a month. I may give it a whirl. I don’t need more speed, but I can always enjoy saving $10.

Have a great rest of the week everyone. Comments always welcome.