You just never know. Violence, can be anywhere.

I was just sitting here, trying to think of something to blog. Michelle came in to tell me, the small diner we go to sometimes, had an ex-husband of one of the workers come in waving a gun. This is the quiet, peaceful diner downtown that I am going to do a post on soon. We were just there 4 days ago. I remember going unarmed since Michelle was going to be armed. If it continues like this, I may get paranoid and carry everywhere (concealed of course).

I’ll never be a hero, I believe in remaining passive unless the person threatens me directly, or starts shooting. A dead hero helps no one.

Unfortunately, the man picked lunchtime to show up. The place usually has five or six officers there eating lunch. The officers placed themselves between the crazed man, and patrons while other officers were rushing patrons out a back door. While they were trying to talk the man down, he decided to take his own life. It’s just getting crazier every day.

Perhaps the stress and strain of the effects of the Covid Virus took its toll on him. Maybe he lost his job. We may never know the true reason, but it is certain that the current state of society is getting more violent, as events roll on.

Please stay safe, keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings.

Comments always welcome.