It’s coming, Gutenberg Editor. Will you like it?

For those that have forgotten, the new Gutenberg Editor will be in the next major release of WordPress. I did a short post, and a boring video about it in February of this year. Since that time, many improvements have been made in the editor. 6 months ago, inserting an image and wrapping text around it, was challenging. Now it is easier and more reliable than the standard editor. At least to me.

For dressing up your posts

I am actually creating this post using the new editor. I like the workflow and location of items you may need while writing. Tags appear in a drop down list as you start to type. For dressing up your posts, colors, sizes and other options are readily available.

Start thinking in “blocks”. Everything is arranged by blocks. You can move them, change what they contain etc. You can even save  a block for reuse later. 

We have two types of Quote styles.


We have two types of Quote styles.


The gallery feature is falling down simple to use. I have been needing this. The plugin that I used, was forever pestering me to upgrade constantly.

It will take some getting used to, but as a southern gentleman once told me, “It ain’t nothing but a hill, for a mountain climber.”

Comments always welcome,