Too early in the morning, for video chat.

I have worked, and played with computers since 1982. Never one for video conferencing etc. I’ll chat, text, remote control/view other computers to help out, but I just haven’t done video contact yet. You can bet I’m no Tom Selleck by a long shot.

Along came the virus

The voice mail instructed me to, “Stay home, reduce exposure to the coronavirus. Your doctor will service your appointment via video chat”. They instructed me to install “WhatsApp” on my phone. I’ve never used it, but being an old nerd it wouldn’t be a problem at all. As the kids say, “I’ve got this”. Turns out, I didn’t “got” this.

Less than a minute

The problem arose, when I was not ready to video chat. Early at eight am an assistant from the doctors’ office calls by voice to ask a few questions. No problem, I’m just sitting and sipping coffee in my home office/man cave. Very casual. We’re talking sleep wear and T-Shirt. Less than a minute after hanging up with the assistant nurse, the phone rings, and immediately goes to video chat. I’m sitting here in my T-Shirt and tighty-whities staring at the nurse. Fortunately, I managed to not spray the last sip of coffee all over the phone, and kept the phone level to avoid showing anything below the chest.

Any other time, a visit to the saw-bones, would have a 30+ minute wait time in the lobby. But no, this had to occur in rapid fire session. Truthfully, I don’t remember what we even discussed. I was more in a state of shock, and wondering if the heat I felt from my face, would show up on her phone.

Do any of you video chat? If so, have you had any interesting mishaps. I’d love to know, I’m not the only video klutz in the world.

Comments welcome,