Lets Cull Stupidity… Tide Pods, Dew Shine, what’s next.

How have we reached this pinnacle of mindless stupidity about some things. Are we inbreeding it from pampering those without commonsense?

In today’s society if you don’t put a warning on a product for the stupid people, then you risk being sued. This seems to be raising a society of mindless, non self-thinking humans that rely on instructions to replace intelligence and common sense.

I just went outside and looked at a wrapper that I put back around the old fan belt that I removed from my vehicle a few months ago. I was wondering if the same ‘stupid person’ warning was still printed on them. Sure enough, there it was. “Under Belt Replacement Guide” it says, #1  Make sure Engine is Off, and Battery disconnected.

Okay, disconnecting the Battery is a good idea and taught to most that have been anywhere under a hood working on an engine. How stupid do you have to be to stand there looking at a running engine, trying to figure out how to get a fan belt on the pulleys, that are spinning at maybe 1000 rpm idling.

Or how about sitting in the bathroom on your throne looking for something to read. Picking up the toilet bowl cleaning refill box you read, “Not for personal Use”. Is that warning necessary? If your smart enough purchase the product because you need something powerful enough to clean a nasty toilet bowl, go to the register and pay for it, then you should be able to at the very least, have “walking around smarts”.

To look at the item and realize it has a highly abrasive cleaning pad, and the name “Clorox”, meaning it is chock-full of bleach, and possibly other caustic cleaning agents. What kind of special Stupid do you need to be, to use it while showering, or bathing, and cleaning your underarms with it?

Oh yea, let’s not forget the warning on Blow Dryers.  “Do not use while showering”

I bought a flashlight not long ago, on the precautions it advises “To Wear protective eye gear, and gloves.” For a regular flashlight, Then we have the lighters many use on BBQ grills. The long nosed ones, full of propane. I thought the warnings were pretty good. Then I finished reading, and realized they had not covered one very MAJOR ITEM. How about adding, Do not use in the presence of explosive gases or vapors. They waltzed right by that one. So someone, somewhere, will use it in a dark area for illumination, while looking for a stinky gas leak.

Perhaps a generation without the stupid warning labels would cull out the inbreeding of stupidity, and the stupid brainless ones that carry the gene. Of course that is just fantasy, no one wants to see someone die, just because they are stupid.

An old craze is gaining momentum among the younger of the world, or maybe just the US. As far back as 2013, there was the TIDE laundry Pods challenge.  Teens eating Tide Laundry Pods as a challenge? Insane doesn’t cover it. Then you have kids were mixing racing fuel with Mountain Dew Soda.  They call it DewShine. Several teens have died in the last 2 years. The abuse of energy drinks by kids and adults is on the rise. Fire Challenge, setting themselves on fire.

Have we just taught our young adults, to be dumb?

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