Something that I enjoy. Time lapse photo/video

I have always enjoyed photography. Certainly by no means a professional, but I still enjoy experimenting. My camera,  an older Canon EOS digital SLR, is aged now. Far out-distanced by modern cameras with special features. It still takes good photos.

I find watching clouds, and other things of the world in compressed time. You can see more detail, secrets and wonders when you are able to watch something change over minutes, instead of hours or days. It never did storm during the 4 hours that the camera monitored the sky, but it appeared imminent.

This was done using my cheap Raspberry Pi 3 computer
The Pi Camera 5 mega pixel
1 Frame/shot/ every 3 seconds.
I produced the movie at 30 frames per second.
I didn’t add any audio/music to this one, but may in the future.

It’s nice to just sit and unwind while watching the clouds. I use a video software player that can vary the speed if I desire. My apologies for the power lines in the video, it was the best shot I had that day. I hope you enjoy the video as I do.


Comments welcome,

Time-Lapse photos of Thunderstorm.

We were expecting storms last night, and I thought it would be fun to try some time-lapse again. It has been 10 years since I photographed my last storm. As luck would have it, the storms did not come close enough for me to photograph. So instead, I thought I would just share these 3 from a group that I had taken in 2007

We lived in the country, 20 miles from town on 10 acres. On this particular June evening, I sat the camera on a tripod with a small rain shield over it just in case it started to rain and retreated to the back deck. I could get there quickly and retrieve the camera.

Each picture was taken with an exposure time of 45 seconds. Using a Canon EOS DSLR, 55 mm lens. Aperture 20 if I remember correctly. ISO set at 100.

Michelle nervous naturally, and kept shouting for me to come inside. The thunder was deafening during the shots that were taken. I have to admit I became a little spooked when I ran out there to retrieve the camera.