Trailer park Life Rebooted.

It’s been sometime since I have posted about Trailer Park life and I apologize. It’s not the fact that nothing has gone on because it has, I guess I have just been lazy. I think it will be fun to chronicle the happenings here, sort of like a neighborhood newspaper. I’m not saying it’s weird, but when the US Postal service won’t deliver a package to your door and you have to drive 5 miles to pick it up, that says something.

We had one young couple walking along snatching one another and cursing. Someone was seeing someone, and one was working and one wasn’t”t on and on ad-nausea. When I thought it would come to blows I finally called the Sheriff. Naturally by the time the Deputies arrived the couple had moved across the three lane highway. Upon seeing the patrol vehicles coming, they decided to hold hands. According to the Police Scanner, “Nothing was wrong they were just taking a walk”. A vehicle just happened to arrive at that time to give them a lift.

I can’t wait till around July,when the landlord has the resident work person, a small frail looking guy, scoop out the top of the septic tanks with a shovel, and load it in a pickup truck to be dumped somewhere. The guy wears a kerchief around his face and scoops a shovel full, tosses it in the bed of the truck, does an all over body shudder, and repeats.

Always something interesting around here.

Comments welcome

Winter is Missing…

Well, the last few weeks have been like a roller coaster or weather. One week it is cool, the next week it is shorts and T-Shirt weather. Someone even has a Meme “It’s December in Alabama, someone please bring the sunscreen.

This is January just going into the second week and we are finally having a slight chill. Down to upper 20’s at night and then mid 50’s in the daytime. I have this sinking feeling that February is going to be a blow out cold month! Maybe I will get to fire up the first fireplace Michelle and I have had since being married.

It’s nice being back close to the country living.

Comments always welcome,

Weekend fun

Well my first post in this category, maybe because I have been lazy or busy around the house, or other things in life. It has started getting more interesting now as I have been here a few months (going on 5 or 6).

The man told us it was a quiet park, it’s predominately white, I haven’t figured that one out yet. That if there was too much trouble from a tenant he would make them move out and take their trailer with them. I rode through several times on a Friday and Saturday afternoon when you would see any parties or rough activity going on, I never saw any of that. Once we moved in we were told by neighbors the back street was a bit rough, or that is where all the rough ones lived.

I take walks around the park from time to time for exercise. I have never seen anything

Pictures belong to me
Pictures belong to me Click for larger image.

rough going on. In the last few days/nights though there have been some wild things reported. The first strange thing I have seen was the other day on one of these walks that I posted about in this Blog entry.

Tuesday night around 9PM this past week the lady behind us said someone was fighting outside in the street. One man and three women. They finally broke up and ran down through the trailer park roadway.
Yesterday around 1PM while I sat here enjoying a day on the computer and not doing much, I heard on the Police Scanner about a fight involving a Knife and a Gun further back in the park where some younger people live. Naturally by the time the County Deputies got here the parties involved had left, and the persons still on the scene  “didn’t know anything about it”. Imagine that.

So from time to time I will share with and include pics if I can of any weird news from the park. Maybe even get some videos to include. Nothing like watching idiots behaving badly. Hey maybe that can be a movie. Stay tuned.

Comments welcome


Weird landlords and tenants

You couldn’t pay me to own rental property with the low honesty and lack of responsibility of people in today’s society. There are some good people out there but the greatest are not very trustworthy when it comes to renting to them.

On a walk through our trailer park today, on the back side I came across an apparent landlord/owner trying to shame the occupants into leaving. She had painted all sorts of things on the trailer in an effort I suppose to shame them into leaving. I really don’t think it’s going to work because in the first place, someone who won’t pay rent for 7 months apparently has no shame to start with.

Each to their own I say, but I think the landlord should just spend the money and file the eviction notice and get the authorities to come out and remove them.