Life in a Trailer Park June 18th News

Well, Friday went without a hitch except for the weather when we had a 38.7mph wind blow threw that lasted so long I nearly hunted a hole to crawl into.

Saturday is a different story. We have the same two that had a verbal ruckus a week or so ago at it again this morning. Scanner says one is cursing the other when they leave the house, and one is allowing their dog to roam loose. I’m wondering if it is a full moon
barney on for tonight. Two Sheriff units arrive and stay a while and then leave in good spirits. Maybe they made everyone hold hands and sing Kuum-by-yah or something. You hardly ever get anything in the county settled by law-enforcement. Not to mention response on this call was about 30mins. Good thing no one was shooting at one another.

Face it, your in the county all the city laws just don’t work out here, are not enforceable, or the county doesn’t want to waste the manpower. The County could issue a citation for the big ole dog running loose and it would probably solve the problem, it is a scary looking Rottie and the owner doesn’t keep it up, but then they would feel like dog catchers and they rather pass the buck to the county dog warden who has to cover an entire county and chances of him happening by when the dog is lose is like a snowballs’ chance in hell.

So the problem will persist until someone throws a punch or object and then someone gets arrested. Hey maybe this is just the way people entertain themselves in a Park.

Comments always welcome,

Trailer Park News for Weekend of 06/04/16

Let’s see. Yesterday a new person that moved in with a small camper instead of a regular sized trailer, called the Sheriffs on his neighbor. It seems she was burning some leaves and paper from her garden and stuff she picked up from her yard and he found the smoke to be obnoxious. Even though burning the garden debris isn’t illegal the Deputies came and spoke with her. The neighbor had just been to the fence asking what they were doing and just as friendly as he could be. Never mentioned the smoke was bothering him. Maybe it was the wrong type of smoke?

The wife noted some scraggly looking fellow giving an elderly woman a hard time trying
burglar to convince her he needed to cut her grass for gas money. He left when he notice my wife and another woman watching. Then not 4 mins before we pulled up our neighbor was walking towards our house to tell us she had seen a scraggly looking guy (probably the same one) trying to look into the window of my office but he suddenly jumped back and she could hear Max barking. He couldn’t see in due to the shades down and curtains closed but Max must have heard him and jumped at the window! He then looked in the windows of our Durango parked out front and moved on. Crack head probably.

I checked the area but it was beginning to rain so he probably went indoors. The Sheriffs office will be given a description to look out for him. My camera on that side missed him, maybe the scum filter was too high. I just added another camera so we should get a good mug shot if he returns. I guess he thought our car being gone was an invitation. Tonight I’m here alone with Max hoping he will make a return visit, Wife is gone to son’s house for a Supper.

I’m ready if he comes back, cold glass of Tea, Max and my attack Cat “Reboot”. Oh and my Pistol of course. From the description he sounds like the guy that knocked on the door at 11:30pm one night asking to use the phone because his Dad (The nice neighbor mentioned above) had kicked him out for being out too late.

He may not return knowing there is something large and ferocious sounding inside.

Comments welcome,

Broke a quiet streak.

I was just sitting here this morning thinking that there had been nothing to remark about here in the Park lately. Kinda quiet like and nearly 2 weeks since any thing out of the ordinary. Then again it’s a trailer park so what is normal.

Then just before dark for some unknown reason idiots start firing off “mortar” type
redneckfireworks fireworks just down the street. Now what fool shoots fireworks for Memorial Day. Maybe their brain was too saturated with booze to remember you do that on July 4th. Either way all the dogs in the neighborhood were losing their minds.

Called the county and while speaking with the nice lady on the phone I realized how dumb it was. This is the county! No law against blowing yourself or the neighbors up with fireworks. Heck, you can shoot your gun in the street as long as your not drunk or shooting at other houses or people. Sometimes city living has it’s advantages. So we sat and watched TV interspersed with “Whoomps” and booms from the fireworks till they ran out of them or passed out, whichever must have come first, but at least it’s quiet now.

We “almost” made it two weekends without any weirdness. Now shooting of fireworks in and of itself is not weirdness, but shooting them DOWN the street instead of in the air is a bit strange when they are huge mortar type fireworks designed to be fired into the air.

Comments welcome, if I can hear them.

Stick a pin in it I’m done!

That’s it! I’m officially going to get a toy stuffed Truck and stick pins in it and sit in the dark and chant incantations to see the blasted loud vehicles blow their engines up as they pass the house. I need some type of satisfaction from this redneck pastime of loud mufflers, or in the case of some “no muffler”. Maybe they are trying to compensate for something with all the loudness of a mode of transportation, If they are it must be a tiny thing.

I tried 3 times tonight to add narration to a video I was editing and about halfway
rednecktruckthrough the narration Bubba, Cletus, Bo, Jim bob or whatever the mother named them during screaming labor pains comes blasting down the highway past the house. If it’s not a loud muffler, it’s no muffler. Failing that the guy in the small car that has all of 50 horse power has one of those so-called “Fart Can” mufflers supposed to make him feel like the movie Fast and Furious. It takes him a hideous 30 secs to travel about 50 feet winding up that toy engine.

Even while writing this piece at 9.45pm Mr. Hillbilly makes his regular pass in low gear trying to reach 55 mph in 2nd gear so his pipes sound like some ancient anguished hippo being mutilated. It’s not nice to wish bad on anyone, but I sure wish I would hear the sweet sound of bursting motor parts just as he pulled even with the house here on the highway. I would get me a cold chocolate Yoo-Hoo and sit on the porch and smile a big smile as the smoke poured forth from his vehicle like a Genie granted freedom.

I’m off to find some stick pins and one of the kids stuffed toy trucks, if you hear mumbling coming from my direction you’ll know I’m busy.

Comments welcome.