I lived to see it. Water for sale.

Growing up there were things we thought we would never see. Bottled Drinking Water was one of them. Sure we knew Mom and Dad paid a water bill, but it was for having running water in your home. As a kid we drank from water hoses, water fountains, and glasses of water at the restaurant that were complimentary. Never in our wildest dreams did we think people would be dumb enough to pay someone for a bottle of water.

Times change and here we are in a multi-billion dollar business of selling people bottledwater
something they could get out of a water fountain or at home. why? Because it’s cool, all the athletes do it, it’s cleaner, maybe in some places. Many people don’t realize that the FDA regulates bottled water and what passes for water under bottling conditions would not pass for the water that you use in your bathroom! Pretty crazy huh.

Add to that the fact that when purchasing a bottle of water to carry in your hand and look cool, by the time you add up what it would cost to fill a one gallon jug with it you pay $7+ dollars. Compare that to 1/10th of a penny per gallon for the average water from your tap. Plus the tap water has no Arsenic as a preservative.

  1. Arsenic. Arsenic is a poison. The FDA says that bottled water may have up to 0.05 milligrams per liter of arsenic. See 21 CFR 165.110.

They can continue to chug away on that water and be cool. Me? I’ll save that money for my pocket, and forego the Arsenic and pesticides. I had a friend stick her nose up the other day and declare that at least she wasn’t worried about pesticides in bottled water.

It doesn’t contain pestisides.? 

The FDA allows set levels of pesticides in bottled water. There are set limits for each of 29 different pesticides. People who purchase bottled water believe, normally, that they are avoiding pesticides by doing so. For a listing of these pesticides, see 21 CFR 165.110.

If your city water is bad then your using your head drinking bought water. If your city water is good, then you fit the quote of the old man.

Comment welcome,

Freaky Friday

Looks like it might be an active Friday. In Scanner news we already have one house fire in progress and one guy drunk and threatening to commit suicide in his front yard with a gun in his hand a short few miles from here. Says he will shoot any law enforcement that shows up. Jury is still out on that one right now. They should issue stupid crazy people guns like this. Then the only ones hurt are the crazies. Yea, sounds cold but I worked mental health 8 years. If your sane enough to get drunk and call attention to yourself, you’re not crazy, your drunk and want attention.

Update on our Motorcycle demon. He is of Mexican decent, living with or married to some southern girl of dubious intelligence with a 3 week old baby. He was over heard saying just before his disappearance last week that he had no Insurance, no license (and the motor had no tag) and the cops would never catch him. They caught him the other night as Karma apparently returned from a week-long vacation, he was leaving out like a Banshee and ran right up on the Sheriffs Patrol Unit sitting down the street waiting on him. He must still be in jail as we haven’t heard a peep out of that obnoxious motorcycle or seen him in a week now.

One ladies truck was broken into a few doors down and her stereo stolen. May not have been anyone from the Park though. Probably some local dope heads from nearby town looking for something to sell. Who steals Stereos anymore anyway.

Comments welcome,

Monday in May

Well apparently someone is out to buy some drugs. Someone broke into a vehicle 4 doors down and stole the radio out of their truck. We are still relatively quiet right here in the Park. The Troll was out cutting grass today. He came by the other day and you could see the sugar dripping from his lips as he bragged on our yard. I don’t forget easily, if his old truck breaks down I won’t answer my door.

Storm from 2006 Picture by Me

Nothing but a really kicking Monday evening storm going on for this first entry in May. I have unplugged everything electrical here in the hobby room/office “just in case”.

Scanner reports water rising in someone’s house a few miles down the road. We just had  a quarter-inch in the last hour. It seems to be slackening some now.

A trip to the Dollar General greeted me with a line 9 deep at the register but I didn’t want to drive to town in the storm so I sucked it up. They barely had enough stuff on the shelves for me to get what I needed. Couple drinks, some lunch ham. Slim pickings on the drinks too and this is Monday.

Karma takes a day off.

It’s time for an update from the home front in the Park I guess.

Some redneck got a Motorcycle (one way or another) for a late Christmas present I guess. for three days he would fly up and down the highway with a very inefficient muffler. It was the Sport-bike variety so he thought it had to do 0-Warp Factor 2 on each exit from the trailer park.

You hate to wish harm on most people but it was getting so bad that even though you didn’t want the idiot to get hurt, you wished somehow the motor would blow up or he would crash it and walk away but put an end to the noise.

Fortunately the County Deputies just happened to be coming down the road yesterday after several of us made calls reporting the suicidal idiot when he made one of his Kamikaze runs out of the park and down the road. It had no tag on it, and judging by this book’s cover he probably had no license or insurance or ownership papers either. They must have impounded it and him as neither has been seen in two days. Sad part is the idiot has a 3 week baby at home. With all those wishing to adopt a child this idiot and his significant other are able to reproduce.

There just seems to be those days when Karma takes a day off and us lesser souls have to call the authorities.

Comments welcome,