Noise pollution.

Today there was an accident on the Interstate north of us about 12 miles north of us. Traffic was diverted from the Interstate onto our highway. About 3 miles past us southbound is the next on-ramp for the Interstate. Traffic has been at a crawl out front since 3PM and it is now 8PM.

Accompanying this slow, very slow, procession of traffic are the large trucks hauling goods or pulp-wood. They seem to delight in using the exhaust bypass called a Jake brake. I have blogged on this before, calling them Whoopee cushions on wheels. Some of them are loud, some rattle the windows, evoking memories of youth testing the theory of hearing loss as we stood in front of giant speakers at a concert.

The day would not be complete without the regular traffic heading in the opposite direction. Many of which have just sat through a congested intersection and are ready to speed their way homeward. They are the 4 wheel Redneck version of Noise Pollution. Of course, I have written about them in the past. These people are just a tad old in my opinion, to be making noise just for the sake of making noise!

Comments welcome,


Large Whoopee Cushions on Wheels (Jake Brakes)

If it isn’t the loud jacked up trucks with Earth Mover Tires, then we get lambasted by the Pulp Wooder 18 wheel Trucks that slowly drive down the highway out front holding their “Jake Brake” Open. The item is an addition to the engine to assist it is slowing on steep grades by allowing the compression stroke of the Diesel to be vented straight to the outside air. This can result in a loud “blatting” or machine gun noise depending on speed. It also sounds like what a super massive Whoopee Cushion might sound like in slow motion.

For some perverse reason these pulp wood truck jockeys take pleasure in going byimages-4 slowly past the park and holding the device open. They are on a level grade and they keep it in a high gear and low-speed to keep the sound going as long as possible. There is absolutely no reason to cause the noise other than “look at me” factor. Of course when you look at them they usually have bald tires and ropes or cables hanging mysteriously from the truck.

Some municipalities and rural areas post signs forbidding the use of them in the area. I think they should give a hefty fine for using them when they are not needed, much like laying down on the horn as you drive along.

Comments welcome.