We’re back up and Blogging, I learned a lot this day.

I copied the Blog and Database to the new domain ( a couple times!) and learned to explore all the nooks and crannies to ferret out settings so that the copy worked on the new domain. I thought I would never get the redirect to work so that visiting the old url brought you to the new one seamlessly. Finally beat it though. I even fixed up a custom 404 Error page just in case like some of you have. I found the code on a site and used it. Then decided to check out a couple of sites I follow to see if they had any custom 404’s. Too my surprise I had selected one that is like or very much like Views and Mews by Coffee Kat. They say great minds think alike.

I still have not figured out why on WordPress reader it is showing an icon of a wolf’s head for me this morning, but I was working on a lot of things and may have activated that favicon at some point yesterday when I posted from the old URL.

I could have gotten it all done yesterday but there was an error in my providers hosting. Once they fixed it this morning 5 mins after contacting them, it started propagating around the world like it should have and the site finally came up with the test file. That’s the way it goes sometimes. I can’t complain as I have used them for 8 years now and received any and all help I asked for 24/7

I can say it’s a great feeling to be finished and use it now. Looking forward to once again having a good time with all of you. If anyone notices anything out of sorts I’d appreciate a heads up. Try clearing your cache first to see if that fixes it.

Comments always welcome,

Adding Time Stamp to Twenty Eleven Theme (WordPress)

Okay,  I’m no coder but I do like to tinker and dig around if needed. The Twenty Eleven theme for WordPress has only the date on the Index page and on the post page as below. I searched on Google looking for someone who had done this. I absolutely could not find someone. That is why I am posting this so if anyone else with Twenty-Eleven would like to have the time stamp they can follow this.


I wanted the Date and Time to show. First I checked around and found out the php syntax for the Time. Using the Editor in the Admin>Appearance section I located teh two areas below. Then I had to search painstakingly for where to place the code. I located these areas in the two sections.

Search for “posted_on” (without the quotes) and locate this code section. Add the bold code below including the spaces before and after ” at “.

<?php if ( ‘post’ == get_post_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php twentyeleven_posted_on(); ?> at
<?php the_time(); ?>

The next area was content-single.php

Again search for “posted_on” (without the quotes) and locate this code section and again add the bold code including the spaces before and after “at”.

<?php if ( ‘post’ == get_post_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php twentyeleven_posted_on (); ?> at
<?php the_time(); ?>
You should now have the Date and Time showing on the index, and when viewing individual posts. I hope this helps someone as I know it was a challenge to find out how to do it on my own.posts

Comments welcome,