I sure miss the UPS, Ever since they put the extra “S” in. As in USPS, the last mile.

I sure miss UPS. Ever since they started handing off items to the USPS, I have a heck of a time getting anything on time, or undamaged. I’m not knocking anyone that works for USPS, they have problems that are not entirely caused by them.

Check out this post for a giggle.

I’m not sure how it is in other parts of the US, but the USPS is lazy in our area. I live in a trailer park. Sure, not all trailer parks are great places. I was shocked to find out after moving here, that the post office will not deliver any package to the door. It seems about 2 years ago, they had an irate person give a female postal worker a hard time. So they stopped deliveries to the whole park, citing safety reasons. Funny thing is, I have not seen a female delivery person in the two years I have been here.

I can see the mailboxes from my window, they are about 75 feet from me. Strangely enough, there is a USPS unit that comes from another town and delivers on Sunday, he comes to the house and leaves the package, he doesn’t work for this post office. With our PO, if it doesn’t fit, you have to drive 5 miles into the country and pick it up, hoping they are still open with the weird hours.

Some things get better with time, some don’t.

Postal Service will never improve.

Repost from a good while back.

Just when you think it’s safe to order something…

Unfortunately it seems the speed at which it arrived must have been due to usage of some new type of transportation system, maybe time warp or a matter transporter from the movie Star Trek. It seems a tad misshapen. I have to give the carrier “A” for effort. Maybe they were trying to keep me from having to drive the 4 miles to the Post Office to pick up the package since it should not have fit in a road side mail box. Apparently after much pushing it did fit.Okay, I grumble about the Postal Service all the time, but for good cause. Today I received a package that I was not expecting until Monday 4 days from now. It made it from California in 3 days! Probably a new world record when it sometimes takes 4 days to come 20 miles around here from the main center in town.

Take note of the Capitalized “NOT” in the picture asking the USPS to not bend the package. Maybe there are breakable items in it? Let’s be fair, it isn’t bent it is just crushed so I guess they get around that part. Fortunately the items were rugged plastic for a GoPro Camera and all were fine, despite the efforts of the USPS shipping and delivery.

Maybe one day they will go out of business and put us out of our misery. Once we get back to the Pony Express delivery the shipping time will be about the same (maybe a tad faster) and we will only have horse hair to contend with once in a while.

Comments always welcome.