We take something for granted, till it’s gone. (Kitchen Appliances)

I never thought I would miss an appliance as much as I did our washing machine. Some may have read the post about the “Washing Machine of Nightmares”. The trips to the laundromat every two weeks was really getting old. The first couple times the entertainment from the people there kept it interesting. Verbal arguments, or outright shoving matches were a bit stressful I must admit.

I think next to the refrigerator being the number one appliance that you really need, the washer comes in as a strong second. If you have a bad back it is hard to carry baskets of clothes to and from the car, plus in and out of the laundromat. We never think about the machine while we load and unload it without leaving home, until that noise starts. You know, the one that it isn’t supposed to make?

Long story short, someone at the Easter supper for the family actually had a washer they were going to donate to charity. That tidbit of information came out as we were talking about our washer having made horrible noises shortly before its demise. So now we have basically a new “free” (I really like the free part) washer. I was ready to just hug it when it arrived.

It is true that we take appliances for granted most of the time. Until we open the refrigerator for something cold and the ice cream is escaping from its carton in a semi-liquid form. Or we toss those dirty clothes that we really need for tomorrow in the washer and hit the start button, only to be greeted by a sinister sounding beep and flashing lights indicating a failure.

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