Things, were so quiet, then Karma came for the weekend.

Regular readers, are thinking it’s some juicy craziness in the trailer park. No, apparently things have been too quiet. Karma has had nothing to do, so she came to stay with me, for the weekend. A three-day weekend! Maybe it’s my punishment for neglecting to blog.

I forgot to renew the blog

It seemed to start Friday. In 11 years, I have never forgotten to renew my hosting on sites. I have broken my perfect record, someone (cough) forgot to renew the blog. I don’t do the auto renew thing. It’s easier for me to  pay it per year. Some may have visited and were not able to access the blog, my apologies. It took two days, to get back on all the name servers. The invoices and reminders, had been going to spam. That crisis is now solved.

Friday, I decided to upgrade the arcade. A recent notice advised they were changing a component, and if you didn’t apply the updates it would cease to function. The deadline was a couple days away. Of course, that little endeavor ended badly. The update went south, the backup I had? Would not take (corrupted). Hours of work, still no joy. I am installing another arcade now.

All my regular support, was lazing around.

Have you tried, “Rebooting”?

Reboot : Not, my, problem. I don’t do, Karma.

Saturday, I relax and continue working on the arcade project. Then the CD-Rom on the main machine went crazy when I booted up for the morning. It started a dull clunking noise, as if the laser was re-positioning back and forth. Then the tray opened part way and the computer locked up. That forced a hard shutdown, which most of the time I’m lucky, and have no ill effects. This time? It scrambled the Apache server, on the machine that handles the security webcams. Thankfully I had an image from a couple days ago, and in 4 minutes, we were back running properly (with the CD unplugged). That felt good. However, with Karma, nothing good lasts forever.

Sunday. The first morning of the new time change, the weather station was offline. I didn’t have the wireless console/receiver on the wall, that communicates with the RaspberryPi, which runs the weather site, set correctly to change the time. (That was a mouthful) So the Pi decided to pout, about the information suddenly being from the future by one hour. I reset everything and we’re back running.

Karma’s parting shot

Monday morning. Surely, since the weekend is over things will get back to normal. No. I start this entry and attempt to back-space. Several key strokes later the key bottoms out, and refuses to come back up. Have you ever tried working on the keys? The regular ones are fine, the larger ones all have a bar or spring under them, sometimes both. It is an exercise in madness. I did manage to find a manufacturing defect (plastic burr) that I removed, and it started working fine. Maybe Karma thought I was busy, and just left me a parting shot. Or was it some type of philosophical, Freudian, gesture. “Backspace”, you can’t go back? You can’t back up, and erase your mistakes?  Or heaven forbid, I’ll be back!

I leave you with my broken site graphic that I use sometimes.

Comments always welcome,