Are your comments being marked as Spam?

I know I have seen this mentioned on another blog. Your followers comments going to the spam folder instead of your post. Or, your comments not showing up on other blogs.  I found 4 legitimate comments in my spam folder this evening.

More than likely their comments or yours have been marked by Askimet as spam. I was unaware of this and I am guilty of some practices that might get me marked as spam. This is an excellent post on the problem. It contains other links with very useful information. Check this article for possible solution if you are marked as spam.

As I said, I am guilty of some bad methods mentioned. I thought it was being friendly but apparently short comments, and certain words in your comment, can cause you to be marked by Askimet as spam.

I suggest checking your Spam folder from time to time for legitimate comments. It’s a little more work, but it prevents us from missing friends, that might have been dumped in there. If you have comments you make not showing up on your friends blogs, contact them (perhaps by email) and ask them if you might have been sent to the spam folder.

Comments welcome,

Comment ‘Likes’

Many blogging veterans may already be aware of the differences in WordPress hosted  and self-hosted WordPress sites. There are a couple of things self-hosted sites can’t do just yet.

I appreciate each one of you. Your likes and comments make my entire day. It’s not about statistics, it’s about seeing what people enjoy and that helps me learn.

If I ever miss “liking” a comment you leave, please know it is certainly unintentional. My Blog is “self hosted” and so far WordPress does not have “comment like” functionality for the self hosted sites. So no button appears on my blog for liking the comments. The only “like” button is the one for the post itself. Thank you all for using it.

I can “like” your comments you leave here from the WordPress Reader, but not from my blog. If I miss liking one of your comments in the reader, please know it is not intentional.

Comments always welcome,

Adding Time Stamp to Twenty Eleven Theme (WordPress)

Okay,  I’m no coder but I do like to tinker and dig around if needed. The Twenty Eleven theme for WordPress has only the date on the Index page and on the post page as below. I searched on Google looking for someone who had done this. I absolutely could not find someone. That is why I am posting this so if anyone else with Twenty-Eleven would like to have the time stamp they can follow this.


I wanted the Date and Time to show. First I checked around and found out the php syntax for the Time. Using the Editor in the Admin>Appearance section I located teh two areas below. Then I had to search painstakingly for where to place the code. I located these areas in the two sections.

Search for “posted_on” (without the quotes) and locate this code section. Add the bold code below including the spaces before and after ” at “.

<?php if ( ‘post’ == get_post_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php twentyeleven_posted_on(); ?> at
<?php the_time(); ?>

The next area was content-single.php

Again search for “posted_on” (without the quotes) and locate this code section and again add the bold code including the spaces before and after “at”.

<?php if ( ‘post’ == get_post_type() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
<?php twentyeleven_posted_on (); ?> at
<?php the_time(); ?>
You should now have the Date and Time showing on the index, and when viewing individual posts. I hope this helps someone as I know it was a challenge to find out how to do it on my own.posts

Comments welcome,