Trailerhood Tales: Adios, YouTube Boy.

Many of you will remember YouTube boy, it seems he’s been in lockup for quite a while now. I really don’t foresee him getting out any time soon. My bet, he will probably go straight from juvenile detention to prison. Maybe that bug in his ear, did dine on a few synapses. Truly, a sad case. Listening to his history the past few months, it appears it started some years ago. The schools decided he was emotionally disturbed. After much coaching, he was convinced he was disturbed, placed on medication many medications, as many as 9 a day.

Of course his environment at home contributed to the conditioning he finally accepted. Instead of treating the behavior, they created a persona for him, which when combined with mood altering psychotropics, more than exacerbated the behavioral problem.

With No Child Left Behind laws/regulations, the school and family were restricted in disciplinary measures. Nothing was done even after his threatening the school, stealing his father’s gun, and being found at school with a razor in his possession. To combat his behavior, the school set up classes in skateboarding, with a couple other students that were disciplinary problems. He has been rewarded, not corrected. Conditioned that it is okay to have outburst, “because he blacks out, gets upset, or melts down”. All terms fostered by the school and reinforced by the family, to excuse his bad behavior. The only way, after multiple interaction with law enforcement, that he was finally put somewhere, is when he assaulted his elderly father in front of the responding officers. So you may not hear more of YouTube Boy. An example of today’s mental health support.

It saddens me, that a young mind with simple problems, crying out for help, was just pushed into a cubicle of the system, until he was no longer a burden of that crippled system. Good luck YouTube Boy, may you one day find your footing. -Ron

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