Thank you, my blogging friends.

On a beautiful Friday morning, I wanted to take a moment, and let you all know how great it has been to meet all of you. I can’t begin to tell you how my days have been brightened by reading your blogs. While I have been a very infrequent blogger lately, I do appreciate you hanging in there and not writing me off. You’re all a great group of bloggers from all over the world and I’m fortunate to know you.

March 2017 is when I found the WordPress community of bloggers. For four years before that, I’d been just using the software mainly talking to myself, with the occasional comment from family of someone that stumbled across the blog. Then one day I installed Jetpack to play around with it, and needed to register my site on the main WordPress. That is when I met all of you wonderful bloggers. So while I may be an infrequent blogger at this time, I still cherish all of you.

Stay safe, stay true. Above all, keep blogging!

44 thoughts on “Thank you, my blogging friends.

  1. It is a great community, indeed. It’s very enlightening to meet people from all over the world and have conversations with them. As I routinely talk to myself when I’m not online, it’s nice to speak with others. πŸ™‚

  2. Yes, yes to this! I have been even more appreciative of my blogging community over the last few months. They have made me feel less isolated as we shelter at home. Most of us bloggers never thought that making friends was going to be such a big benefit of blogging, but it is.

  3. Well said, Ron! It has been a joy to meet you too. So many differences in our lives, but amazingly many similarities too. Your trailerhood stories are always a joy to read, and your tech tips offer a great service to the rest of us. Stay happy, and stay safe.
    Best wishes to you and your good lady, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete. I hope perhaps more stories in the trailerhood will arise. It’s getting hotter, and around here, heat equals alcohol and bonfires.

    1. Very nice of you, Pete. It seems that the self-hosted sites such as mine, are not privy to a reblog button. I have however, found something that might work. I installed it just now. It should appear at the bottom of posts. A WordPress logo is in the button. I hope it works.

      1. I found a green button with the WP logo next to the share buttons. I pressed it, and got this.
        ‘Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user.’ Was that button the one?

        1. I’ll have to check on it. It gave me the same error, but I thought it just might be because I was trying to reblog to the same blog. lol. Shame they don’t make a button for self-hosted sites.

        2. Well, I removed that as it seems it only works on sites that require registration of members. I appreciate the reblog offer though, Pete. Maybe next time I will have found something for a reblog button.

          1. Hi Ron (this is Colin!) – Can you not go into Widgets > Appearance, Assuming you have a side bar area on right of screen, it should have the Follow option with a drop down for choices. Of course your screens may be different than mine if you are using a small device. πŸ™‚

            1. After some researching, the only way to reblog a self hosted site, is something called “Press This” option in the actual WordPress toolbar on I see where self hosted sites are dreaming about it. sort of like the “Follow” button. I had to enter code into a widget on the right-hand side, to get a follow button for my WordPress. Thanks for the suggestion though.

      1. Will indeed. He is also a demanding fella . We had to share our watermelon with him a few minutes ago as he kept giving us the “big brown eyes” look! πŸ™‚

  4. You are a treasured member of the blogging world, Ron. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. Many of your posts are hilarious, and I often laugh out loud. Blogging friends are the greatest!!

  5. I’m fairly new to your site Ron, but have enjoyed your posts … the first 4 1/2 years I blogged at WordPress, I had two followers, then someone discovered my blog and I’ve made many new blogging friends. It’s been a lot of fun.

    1. You’re so right, Linda. It’s been fun making friends and reading about other places and lives. Like wandering the world without ever leaving home. Thanks for being a part of my blog, Linda.

      1. Yes Ron, I love the fact that there are bloggers from all over the world. Susie and Anne had told me about your blog and I’m glad I visited.
        The first WordPress blogger who followed me I asked “how did you find my blog?” I only had e-mail subscribers because I told them about my blog. I’m glad to be part of your blogging community Ron.

  6. When I started reading this, I feared it was a “sayonara” speech saying goodbye to us all. I’ve enjoyed blogging for almost 10 years now. Never imagined the friendships you could make virtually. I’ve been lucky to meet two of my blogging buddies in person and they are exactly as they seem on their blog. Hope you around for a long time. I enjoy your slice of life!

    1. No, Kate. I would be lost without contact with all of you. The things you talk about, and share, bring me out of a funk many days. I don’t care for crowds anymore, so contact through blogging is a nice thing to have. I plan on being around, forever. Unless my ticket is called up. I enjoy this interaction.

  7. And I’m so glad I cottoned onto (like my Southern-speak? :-D) your blog!! It’s fascinating – and often funny! – to read about your surroundings, family, and ideas in general! I love checking in with you from time to time. Just keep on taking good care of yourself & Michelle. (P.S. – I’m liking the beard!)

    1. Thank you, for the kind words. I think you have the hang of the Southern-speak!
      I’ve enjoyed the beard. Only thing, I have one spot center-bottom of the chin, that wants to return to my natural hair color (black. Makes me look like I bumped my chin on something like car oil. πŸ™‚

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