The light at the end of the tunnel.

Hello Blogging friends. Things have leveled out here, and the light was not an oncoming train. Things are starting to improve., I actually enjoy answering the phone, once again.

Around here it has been a bit quiet, but still interesting. We have a new maintenance person. Female, maybe 100lbs soaking wet, short, cordial, covered in tattoos. She walks like Popeye the sailor, I’ve named her killer. Shoulders slightly up, arms held out from her body, like a killer weight-lifter. She works hard though.

She will keep your yard mowed, cleaned, and do minor repairs, for the special price of $60 a month. You give the money to the park manager. She can’t keep it, fearing she might spend it on booze, (her words) and some of it goes to fines she has, for beating up her “mans” girlfriend. Oh, and bond money if she gets picked up on warrants from another incident.

RIP Whiskey Girl

Yes, I had a Rat for a pet. Whiskey Girl, she was two and a half years old. I was asked to take her to my daughter-in-law as snake food. She was only a few days old. I couldn’t do it. We kept her and raised her as a pet. I would watch TV, and she would run the couch, playing with the cat. She even came if you called her. Then she would eventually curl up in my lap asleep. She injured her foot somehow, and I took her to the vet, where they also discovered a large tumor, when they examined her. She was listless, and suffering, so I had them put her to sleep. RIP Whiskey Girl.

It’s a great Monday, overcast with occasional showers. Much different from the last two weeks, of heat indexes around 109F Gotta run, lunchtime beckons me.

Comments, always welcomed.

22 thoughts on “The light at the end of the tunnel.

  1. So sorry to hear about Whiskey Girl. Rats make great pets, and are very intelligent. You gave her a loving home, Ron.
    The new maintenance lady looks rather scary. I might be tempted to give her the $60 dollars to stay away. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Thanks, Pete. Whiskey loved Fruit Loop cereal. She’s munching down on a bowl of them, I imagine.

      Killer? Probably a wise move, and money well spent.

    1. Thanks, Kate. She looks like she could really scrap if needed. I shudder at the thought of seeing what “her man” might look like. The area I heard he lives in, contains many diverse species, of the gender revolution.

  2. Thanks for this fun/interesting post, Ron. I was a bit perplexed by “snake foot” until finally I realized you meant “snake food.” Whew! I didn’t think snakes had feet, and it turns out I was right! 😀

    1. I’d never had one, as a pet. They are surprisingly clean animals when in captivity. Constantly cleaning their fur and face. Amazingly, raised in captivity, they never seem to be aggressive. I could hand her to a stranger, and she never attempted to bite anyone.
      Thanks for the comment seniorhiker, and your right, she is a character.

  3. I am so glad to read a post of yours and hear you are feeling better. Where else would I read about a woman who doesn’t want to take the money herself because of her past misdeeds?

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