The logic escapes me. Trailerhood Tales

Sometimes, when you find yourself talking to someone and the conversation suddenly goes from normal, to off the rails, you have to stop and look around. Maybe do a visual hand check to make sure you don’t suddenly have six fingers, and this isn’t some new dimension you have slipped into, and what your hearing is normal.

Please, I just came for my mail

A simple trip to the mailbox turns into a stomach churning information overload. Please, I just came for my mail. A woman who sounded normal when the conversation started at the boxes, asked for my help in looking out for her ex-husband. Seems he is a permanent guest at the state Iron Bar Hotel. Having received 2 life sentences for numerous violent felonies. Of course here in our state, nothing is permanent. I guess they don’t want to have to feed inmates for two lifetimes, so they shorten it. She has to appear at parole hearings every few years to tell them that he has written and called her, promising to kill her when he gets out. Then, it all goes sideways

 drains are not designed for that

She says the reason she is telling me this, was he was very abusive and cruel to her for years. He would throw plates of food at her if the mood struck him, or the food was not right. He would also knock her around after a few drinks. When she got to the part where he showered, and defecated in the shower, and forced her to clean it up and  having to call a plumber, as tub drains are not designed for that. I stood there like a shell listening, mentally ticking off a list of things to do, like get a Cat Scan, count my fingers again, stare really hard to make sure she’s really there. While inside my stomach was doing a pre-check list for liftoff of its contents. I really don’t remember the rest of the conversation honestly.

I find out later, that she is trying to collect money from her ex-husband. She has been told by some lawyer, that she should sue her ex-husband for unpaid child support for their son, who is in his late twenties. One, little, catch. If he’s incarcerated, he can’t work. He has to be gainfully employed to be forced to pay past child support. She decides receiving a check from him is the way to go, so does not contest his release at the next hearing. I’ve heard nothing else about it, no homicide has occurred. So, was it all made up? Maybe he is a thug, Apparently he has enough smarts to high-tail it away once free. 

This, is Trailerhood Logic.

I think I’ll go now, and count my fingers. Comments always welcome,

11 thoughts on “The logic escapes me. Trailerhood Tales

  1. In her world, it makes perfect sense, Ron. She doesn’t seem to realise that she can’t spend the money if he has killed her once he got out. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Your right, she has rationalized it to herself. I’m getting to the point that not much surprises me around here anymore. Thanks for the comment, Pete.

    1. Good Idea Colin, but beleive it or not, some of the conversations there between customers and staff, are as illogical as this lady’s. With a dash of rudeness thrown in.
      I used to have a P.O. Box when I lived in town. It was convienient.
      Thanks for the comment, Colin.

  2. This type of person is, as they say, tone deaf. In fact what *I* would do for self-preservation is feign deafness. Really. Pantomime that you can’t hear her, shrug, point to your ears like “ Oh darn,nuttin’ there,” and the walk away swiftly! Mind you it’s too late with this one, I guess. Dang!!

    1. Good idea Ellie, but she has heard me talking to the wife while out at the mailboxes. I ought to try that with some others around here though. Never know what you might find out by pretending you can’t hear!

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