Throwback Thursday. Good Memories, What you’ve seen, cannot be unseen.

A rare, one-legged telebooth-communicoticus, Montgomery, Al.

Photo by Ron (free use granted)

After going into the city some time ago, we took a ride through the old neighborhood, which is now like a ghost town. Boarded up buildings, closed down State liquor store. You know the area is gone, when even a liquor store operated by the state, can’t survive.

On the corner, across the street from our old homestead, stood this lonely old phone booth. Wires no longer connected to it, the receiver was busted, but nestled in its cradle. Someone apparently didn’t like what they heard or didn’t get to hear. This is the first I have seen in a very long time. I have not seen the older booth type with the closing doors anywhere, in years.



What you’ve seen, cannot be unseen

I must state, as a disclaimer, that I am not anti-gay, homophobic, or any of the other politically correct terms. Some friends of mine are gay. I don’t do crazy, however. Yes, I’m older than dirt and have some set ways, but I have adapted some. My gay friends that I know, are not flamboyant. It’s one thing to live the lifestyle because you feel it in your soul, but it is slander when it is done just for garnering attention.

“Who’s da Man!” as they say, has new meaning.

Tall one is the “Groom”


I have a friend, whose daughter was getting married. Naturally, the family invited us along with everyone else. I had been following the drama from a long distance. The father refused to attend the wedding. He said, he just has a different opinion of what “normal” is. She wanted him, to give her hand in the wedding ceremony.

“Problem?” I asked. “Well, yea. She wants me to walk her down the aisle, Dressed as a bride, with no veil, because she is representing the male side of the couple, and hand her to a man, who is dressed as a woman in a bridal gown, who this week feels he is a female, representing the female bride of the couple.” To say it so smoothly, I could only surmise that he had been running the entire sequence through his mind over and over. It’s a wonder he’s not institutionalized. Even though I had been following bits and pieces over time, I could still not wrap my head around it all. Then later, as a gift, we were given pictures. 


Maybe I’m just different, but I don’t think you can truly feel in your soul, one day you are a man, the next day you feel and dress as a woman.  Be married to a woman, who also has a boyfriend that you both share.

Or how do I take you seriously, as a young woman, who has a boyfriend, marries an anatomically correct guy, that likes to dress as a woman sometimes, especially at your wedding, who shares your boyfriend?

This is just my opinion. Kids have too much time, not enough parental guidance, and way too much without having to work for it. They can be who, or what, they wish to be. Parents and society to remain politically correct, give little guidance, and assume a “Do what you feel” attitude. They feel this resolves them of all responsibility, for the turnout.



Comments welcome,

13 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday. Good Memories, What you’ve seen, cannot be unseen.

  1. I am pretty much with you on this one, Ron. Transgender is one thing. Living in a bisexual relationship and sharing a boyfriend is another. But swapping roles at a wedding to prove some kind of point is undoubtedly a stretch, for people of our age at least.
    (Though he is quite ‘convincing’ in the photos. I thought it was two women at first. 🙂 )
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I agree, I was stuck at first. I didn’t want to offend anyone, by having to ask them who was supposed to be the husband, or groom. Then it jumped out at me, that she wasn’t wearing a veil.
      Thanks for the comment.

  2. I’m confused. Perhaps he’s a princess? Who wouldn’t want to dress in a swishy bridal dress? You didn’t say (or perhaps I missed it), did you go? Was it as weird in person as it sounds? Was the third in the trio in the wedding party? Questions, questions…

    1. Your right Kate, I should have included those tid-bits. I wouldn’t have gone, on a bet! It was weird from what I was told. The boyfriend couldn’t make it, he was going to be best man. They live out of state, but came down here
      just to be married, and to try to shock her family all I guess.
      Thanks for bringing that up/

  3. Huh? Sorry, that is all I could say for a minute. People are immensely confused about gender at the moment. I don’t have a clue what is going on with them. I find a relationship with one man–however wonderful and flawed–is more than enough.

    1. You and I both Elizabeth, it just seems out of whack by a mile. I think they are bored, and not enough responsibility to keep them busy. I understand the parents are well off, well his are, my friend works hard for what he has.

  4. What very special, flexible, adaptable, er, just a sec, going to the thesaurus – malleable, changeable, supple – okay, forget supple – my point is, and I do have one, that in a way these trans folks have it all over us in terms of openness to experiences and, um, may I say, *variety*? So who are we to quibble? Live and let live, is my motto. As long as a person isn’t hurting anyone. Right?

    1. Yes, I leave them to their own fates. They are only hurting their own image, when they get really far out there. Thanks for the comment, Ellie.

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