Time-Lapse photos of Thunderstorm.

We were expecting storms last night, and I thought it would be fun to try some time-lapse again. It has been 10 years since I photographed my last storm. As luck would have it, the storms did not come close enough for me to photograph. So instead, I thought I would just share these 3 from a group that I had taken in 2007

We lived in the country, 20 miles from town on 10 acres. On this particular June evening, I sat the camera on a tripod with a small rain shield over it just in case it started to rain and retreated to the back deck. I could get there quickly and retrieve the camera.

Each picture was taken with an exposure time of 45 seconds. Using a Canon EOS DSLR, 55 mm lens. Aperture 20 if I remember correctly. ISO set at 100.

Michelle nervous naturally, and kept shouting for me to come inside. The thunder was deafening during the shots that were taken. I have to admit I became a little spooked when I ran out there to retrieve the camera.

24 thoughts on “Time-Lapse photos of Thunderstorm.

    1. I love thunderstorms, as long as they don’t get destructive. Low rumbling thunder, along with flashes of lightning is like lullaby music for me. Thanks for the comment.

  1. Most impressive! We love lightning, but we would come in if it got that close.

    Just curious. Did you grow up in Alabama? Do you still have your drawl? I got my Tennessee accent freshened this week while visiting old friends.

    1. Yes Mam! I am Georgia born but Alabama raised. I have been told I have a southern accent, of course I can’t hear it. I have to admit, my heart was beating pretty good towards the end of that photo session. Thanks for the comment this evening.

      1. Have you ever listened to a recording of yourself? I refuse to set up a phone answering message because I don’t like the way I sound. I would like your accent.

    1. Yes, that was my feeling when I first saw it. I had no idea they would even show up in the picture. It was dark as I composed the picture and I didn’t think about them. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Yes Susie, we had placed those crosses there. Michelle fixed the graves up special, with border rocks and white gravel. It was sad when we moved away from there in 2014.

  2. AMAZING photos! But – like living on the edge, do you? Ay yi! Your wife was right to be nervous!! Good grief. You should send those photos somewhere to publish them, they’re amazing, especially that last one with the crosses!

    You know it reminds me of the same “message” from nature – when during the funeral service for my mother in 2005, suddenly a beam of sunshine came down through the high-up window and shone right on her casket! It was beautiful and eerie, too. Like she was being blessed. I get emotional just thinking about it. There are definitely things bigger than you, Michelle, me, etc. out there, Ron!

    1. Thanks Ellie, I bet that was a beautiful sight with the sunshine on her casket. Michelle insisted on going with me once storm-chasing. She only insisted once.

  3. Wow on the pictures! My Dad likes to sit out on the porch watching thunderstorms. My Mom calls him in when she thinks the lightning is too close. 🙂

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