Trailerhood News (Shallow gene pools)

Cash Only, Please!

We were contacted regarding a Sugar Glider we had for sale. Michelle had been communicating with her by text all day. Seems no one uses a phone for voice anymore. At one point, after desperately trying to talk Michelle into dropping the price by half. The woman asked Michelle if she would hold the Glider for a week. When she got a negative response, the woman asked Michelle if she would take some Cealis (that her husband gets from the VA) as partial payment. When told we don’t deal in drugs, and accept cash or PayPal only, she contacted (texted) again. “You’re not a Cop, are you”? It would seem, the gene pool is getting shallower every day. Or too many episodes of “Breaking Bad” in her life.

Trailerhood moving to light speed.

We have been blessed with pretty reliable speed from Charter Cable. 100mbps download, 12mbps upload. It seems our Electrical Coop is getting into the ISP business. They are building a 400-mile Fiber Optic system for the first stage. They offer twice the speed (200mbps) for $10 less than the cable company, You can get Gigabit level for $99 a month. I may give it a whirl. I don’t need more speed, but I can always enjoy saving $10.

Have a great rest of the week everyone. Comments always welcome.

20 thoughts on “Trailerhood News (Shallow gene pools)

  1. I had to look up what a Sugar Glider was, Ron. A flying possum! Are you breeding the little creatures?
    And they wanted to pay with Viagra? Hilarious! 🙂

    $99 a month is a lot to pay for broadband. We pay £40, and that includes all our landline phone calls too, except those made to mobile phones. (The broadband element is £29)

    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Michelle likes them, she loves nearly anything with a heartbeat. We thought we would like to breed them, but it is a lot more work than we thought. I think we are just getting older and tired. Pet stores rip people off in these parts. One of the babies, would go for $400. But most people want something for nothing these days, so it isn’t worth all the work.

      I trimmed that down, Pete. We were paying $150 for mid level TV/Cable package, and Internet, mid level package. No phone, it would be $29 extra. We have no real competition over here, and the companies that exist, control votes in government. No real regulation. I dumped the TV channel side, and now stream what I want to watch. Saved me nearly $100 a month. I might go with the basic plan from this outfit, $59 beats $69, and better speed for streaming.

    1. Thank you, Mala. It was hilarious and interesting when we first moved here. Some characters have moved, Gone to juvenile lockup, or keeping their heads low. Speaking of, I haven’t seen Miss Popeye out and about, the last few days.

      Something new will turn up, I have no doubt. Thanks for the comment.

  2. There is a very derogatory association made here with people who live in trailers. I lived in a trailer (caravan in UK) until I was around 11, and then again when I left the family nest at 19! Some time ago (here), and having listened to comments about “trailer trash” for a few minutes, I explained that my early life was in a caravan, as was my choice of homes at 19. My first home after getting married was also a caravan!The expression “the silence was deafening” describes the response perfectly!

    1. Yes, there are rich parks with expensive trailers, median parks like this one, then the trashy parks, where the lazy go to live or rent. Those are our levels over here. Nothing wrong with living in a trailer home, some of them cost nearly as much as a brick home. If you get an expensive one, you can make it permanent, and they have more room than the expensive houses. Our double wide we had some years ago, was fantastic. It shuddered once, in broadside winds of 80mph when the remnants of Katrina came through our area. Had I not been looking up at the ceiling fan at that moment, I would not have noticed anything, but the wind noise.

      I like living away from folks. This is a bit crowded for my taste Thanks for the comment Colin.

      1. Totally agree. I would like to live in a rural community, but with easy access to all modern conveniences (like hospitals etc). I guess there is a bit of a conflict there! 🙂

  3. I refuse to let my grandchildren know that you have a sugar glider for sale. They bugged me forever to get one. They assured me that I could keep it company during the half week they are at their dad’s house. Apparently the creatures thrive on attention. I couldn’t fathom having to love on the critter. Love that she was willing to part with Cialis. That is a story in itself!

    1. They are good little pets if you give enough attention, but they need a lot of attention. They are nocturnal as well, so most people would not get to enjoy them.

      The Cialis part? I’m still shaking my head over that. If she is that strange, he may not mind her giving away his happy pills.
      Thanks for the comment, Elizabeth.

    1. They are, exercise machines. Just let one get loose, that is not bonded to an owner. You will see plenty of jumping, running, shouting, By the time it’s caught, you can skip the machine.
      Thanks for the comment, Lara.

  4. For the sugar glider’s sake, I hope that sale doesn’t go through. Imagine running out of food and feeding it Cialis! Yikes! In response to Colin’s comment, there are trailer parks and there are trailer parks. Your’s is very…umm….colorful!

    1. We’ll keep the Glider, before we let it go somewhere like that. Heaven’s sake no! They breed fast enough. Sort of like the Gremlin movie.

      Colorful? I think ours could best be summed up, as a bowl of cereal. We have normal folks, but the rest?

      “Those that aren’t fruits and flakes, are NUTS!”

  5. Hi Ron! Happy to see a post from you!

    Re Cash Only – on the offer of Cialis, you should’ve told her very smugly, “No thank you, I DON’T NEED IT!” 🙂

    Re cable speeds etc. – I think there is something wrong with your keyboard. It seems to have spewed out a whole lot of letters and numbers that are meaningless to me, since when it comes to such things, my brain seems to shrink and fold in upon itself! It’s ok. It bounced back after I tore my eyes away from that second blog part.

    Happy week & weekend!!

    1. I know what you mean, Ellie. Too much jargon these days. Sorry for the brain freeze. I have gotten used to the letters and numbers and forget it sounds like Greek to many. All I need, is a steady smooth connection, and I am happy.
      Thanks for the great comment, Ellie.

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