US Flag, displayed upside down in the Trailerhood.

It has been quiet here in the park for a while now. Yesterday, I was shocked to notice the American Flag that has flown at a trailer near us, being flown upside down. I find this disconcerting because I really don’t know the people, and this could be an innocent display of support of our country besieged by the virus crisis. I still don’t like the flag flown upside down for anything but a dire emergency on the part of the owner of the flag. There isn’t any no room in my heart, for those that use it for political statements.

I searched online for a current reason, and found nothing other than older information that some persons that don’t agree with President Trump, and think he is a threat, fly it upside down in protest. Then even more disturbing, I find that the KKK and other subversive groups fly it upside down. I guess I have been living under a rock for a while.

According to legal rulings

Not all of us living here are redneck idiots, salivating for the next drunken weekend bonfire. This really others me, like a stone in my shoe. My first instinct, was perhaps they were in trouble. Being a former cop, my “Spidey Sense” went off the scale when I spotted it. The flag, since its appearance at the unit in the last month, has always flown right side up. According to legal rulings, they can fly it that way as an expression. So you can no longer assume that the owner needs immediate assistance

Some people are just, pitiful.

Mom always told us, not to borrow trouble. However, I can’t help but wonder, is this an over zealous political person/activist? Or a radical that hates everything, and is a hair trigger away from going postal in the park. Some people are just, pitiful. Doing my best to ignore it, and respect their rights, but it really galls me each time I go out back for something and see it. My father served in WWII, my older brother served three tours in Vietnam, and my brother and I spent a combined 50 years in police work.

How would you handle it. Ask them if you run into them? Or just leave them alone. Me? I have no use for them. It’s just wrong to use a symbol that so many have died protecting, as an expression of dislike. </rant off>

Comments welcome,

21 thoughts on “US Flag, displayed upside down in the Trailerhood.

    1. I’d like to, Kate. But I speak to him as little as possible, to save on bail money. Him being a professor at a college, you would think he’d notice. It would be useless anyway, probably some good ole boy he knows.

  1. Although it could be a political statement (there certainly is enough to complain about in that regard) but I wonder if it’s just someone’s slightly tongue-in-cheek reference to the whole world being in distress. Maybe their intention was not to offend.

  2. I’m a wimp. I wouldn’t say a word, because I’d be afraid of what it might set off. You have a much better sense of what should and should not be done. I’d say go with your instinct and be sure your will is in order.

    1. Right you are, Anne. People these days are just looking for a confrontation. I’m not bothering with it. He’s got to be a nut job to be doing it in the first place. I can’t really tell which trailer it belongs to, as it is positioned on a pole between two of them. If it’s the one in the picture, he’s probably radical militia, or KKK/Nazi type.

  3. I agree with you about it being disconcerting! Not sure I would be bold enough though to say anything to the neighbor. You just don’t know about people these days!

  4. Flags are very important to you in America, much more so than over here. Most of us wouldn’t know if our Union Flag was upside down or not. But given where you live, and if the person flying it upside down is a white guy, then I would probably suspect some KKK interest on his behalf. I think it’s best to ignore it, as people who do such things are generally looking forward to confrontation.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I agree with you, Pete. Some type of radical no doubt. Probably just taunting others into a confrontation. Being an ex-cop I am probably already on his radar. I like to stick to myself these days anyhow.

  5. Sorry you have to see that and worry about it, and worry about what to do. My gut tells me it’s probably a reaction to the pandemic in some way. You *could*, if you feel like it, knock, introduce yourself and ask if they need any help with anything. Two things might happen. They might say “No, why?” in which case you could point at the flag and say mildly that you thought it was a distress signal, since it’s upside down. OR they might say “YES, could you please call…” or whatever. Up to you of course. I’m curious now.

  6. Could be just a mistake but probably not. People in the England seem to think you are racist if you fly a flag (St. George’s Cross) although not so much for a Union flag. Perhaps you could form a community group in order to highlight issues where you live? Overall, probably best to ignore it although I’d find it difficult. At least, you live in a country where most folk are proud to fly a flag.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment. We are proud of our flag. Sometimes not so much our government, but we do enjoy what our flag stands for, and the things that were done to earn it. I think your advice to just ignore it, would be my best course of action at this point.
      Thanks again, for the great comment.

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