Waiting for the last Domino

Caution, pitty-pot, moan, groan, bitch session, ahead.

Calamity, after calamity. That, has been our struggle for the last 2 years. My heart attack of two years ago, and the resulting medical bills, made life a struggle of magnitude. Finally, reaching a point where my dearly departed mother would say, “You have to rob Peter, to pay Paul”.

To eat, you have to let one bill double, then next month, another. You try to catch up, but that is just putting off the inevitable. Your savings are depleted after a few months. Since the heart attack, and then some months later, the mini breakdown. This led me to become a guinea pig for the medical profession’s mind-numbing drugs.

Ever seen a $426.43 water bill? It’s an amazing sight. It started with a split pipe in a closet wall. By the time we found it, the bill was about $80. A month or so later, another pipe started leaking in a shower wall. By the time that was discovered, the bill for that month was $142. I fixed that with a repair coupling. The coupling held two weeks and blew apart, apparently during the night. I noticed a big drop in water pressure the next morning. That massive leak (open end of a 3/4 inch pipe), drove the already burgeoning bill to $282 for the month of May. Couple that with the mother-in-law from Hell, who didn’t think to tell me, that her bathroom toilet sounds like it’s running every few minutes for the last month (a cheap $14 fix),

The daughter bless her heart, helped me replace the bathroom floor, and we repaired the major leak. I had to move a commode from one end of the house to the other, lifting it and setting it down 10 inches at the time to avoid breaking it. My back was a wreck for 3 days. So, hence the enormous bill, which the water company so pleasantly decided was not their concern, it shows the water used, and must be paid. Demanding $200 by 5 pm that day, just to keep service. This led to another “first” life event. Pawning something. I’ve never pawned anything in my life. You do what you have to do.

If that wasn’t enough fun, we turned our main vehicle in as we just couldn’t keep those payments on top of everything else. That was back in may.

We still have the older vehicle (2001) that we just got running. Then we get the random insurance/registration questionnaire, that you fill out and send in showing you had insurance on your vehicle on a certain date. It had a current tag, since park rules do not allow inoperable vehicles, unless they are currently registered. The insurance was dropped on it, since it could not be driven. Now I need to insure it, and new rules say I have to show repair bills, and proof of insurance, cancel the present tag on it, and register/purchase a new one. Honest people it seems, don’t stand a chance anymore.

So that is why my blogging, has been hit-and-miss the last few months. There are days, when the energy just isn’t there to heft the proverbial shovel, to dig out. I have some legal irons in the fire, to try to get some relief, so I await that.

Anyhow, that is news from the Trailer-hood. I thank you all for your friendship, and look forward to getting back in here on a more regular basis.

23 thoughts on “Waiting for the last Domino

  1. I left a ‘like’, Ron, but wasn’t sure whether or not to. I really don’t know what to say. That all sounds completely awful, and if I had the money, I would pay that water bill for you. So much for living in the ‘Land of The Free’. Medical bills, uncaring water companies, and silly rules that make life even harder. For what it’s worth, you have my genuine sympathy.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. I wasn’t sure, whether to post something like this/ No one likes a whiner, including me. I want to get back to my easy going ways. That is a nice thought Pete, but I wouldn’t ask that of anyone. I just needed to let it flow out for a bit. I guess. Just time is all I need. I actually feel a little better having let it out. Next week may find some breathing room.
      Thanks, Pete. The thoughts are sincerely appreciated.

        1. Sweet thought, but that is for those worse off than us. Just knowing all of you, is a really rich and rewarding feeling. Thank all of you, so much.

  2. I couldn’t “Like” this one. It’s hard to imagine the stress you must be under as negative events pile up like that. I sincerely hope you start to see some light – that isn’t a train – at the end of the tunnel soon. Something is wrong when good people struggle just to keep up.

    1. Thank you so much, Your right though, it is the stress. Once was a time, I would laugh and barrel right into the adversity head on. The last few years, I have lost that edge. It will all work out, and perhaps I will be able to joke and laugh at things once again, with all of you.

      Thank you all, for being blogging friends.

  3. Chronicling the truth is certainly not whining, Ron. It is sharing with your friends here and letting us know so we can send our care and sympathy. That is all too much for anyone. I know that the emotional toll is the worst and know you will come through it.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth. Someone smiled on us yesterday, we managed to avoid a $400 penalty and only had to pay $25. That was a nice break. This coming Wednesday, we may see some welcome relief, that will allow us to catch up in a few months. Stress is tough. I wish I could bottle it, then sell it to all the people you hear complain, about being bored. 🙂

      Thank you all so much.

      1. I am glad for that break. I hope that you do get a chance to catch up a little. I know you still hope to “get out of this place if it’s the last thing we ever do!”

  4. OH, and we all have things that come in our life that affect how often we blog. Don’t worry about that. I have those times and will be having it for the next few months or so because I will be moving. Take care of yourself!

  5. Ron. I am so so glad you felt close enough to us to share this with us. We follow you for good or ill, you must know that. I’m *terribly* sad for you… your story brought me to tears! If only, if only you had health care like we do… if only if only you hadn’t had a heart attack… if only the plumbing had behaved itself… if only!!! Life sure is a crapshoot. Hugs to you and Michelle, what more can I do or say. Our hearts are with you!
    P.S. – I don’t mind you wishing *me* a little luck now – going in for surgery on Wed. You don’t wanna know. 😉

  6. Thank you, Ellie. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery. I hope it goes well.

    I can’t thank all of you, enough. It has really been uplifting, to see the support that is still out here in the world. I’ll be here for all of you, in the future.

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