

I thought you said you loved me, but it was whispers on the wind…
And sometimes when it’s late at night, I hear those words again.
And when the rain is falling, so softly as a mist…
I hear a sound that whispers, a sound just like a kiss.

When the moon is shining full, and it shows me where to walk…
I hear the wind flow through the trees, I remember how we talked.
With faces close, and hands held tight, no words were needed then…
Between our hearts, our love would pass, like whispers on the wind.

I thought I felt you love me, like it would never end…
But standing here alone at night, I wish my heart could mend.
The rain mist falling on my face, to mix with tears again…
I stand and say I love you, my whisper to the wind.

The days are loud and busy, I fill them with my friends…
But when the night comes calling, the whispers start again.
But maybe on a late dark night, when I think it’ll never end…
I’ll hear you say you love me, in a whisper on the wind.

©Ron Walker November 1998

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