You just never know. Violence, can be anywhere.

I was just sitting here, trying to think of something to blog. Michelle came in to tell me, the small diner we go to sometimes, had an ex-husband of one of the workers come in waving a gun. This is the quiet, peaceful diner downtown that I am going to do a post on soon. We were just there 4 days ago. I remember going unarmed since Michelle was going to be armed. If it continues like this, I may get paranoid and carry everywhere (concealed of course).

I’ll never be a hero, I believe in remaining passive unless the person threatens me directly, or starts shooting. A dead hero helps no one.

Unfortunately, the man picked lunchtime to show up. The place usually has five or six officers there eating lunch. The officers placed themselves between the crazed man, and patrons while other officers were rushing patrons out a back door. While they were trying to talk the man down, he decided to take his own life. It’s just getting crazier every day.

Perhaps the stress and strain of the effects of the Covid Virus took its toll on him. Maybe he lost his job. We may never know the true reason, but it is certain that the current state of society is getting more violent, as events roll on.

Please stay safe, keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings.

Comments always welcome.

14 thoughts on “You just never know. Violence, can be anywhere.

  1. This makes me want to move out of this country. Too many crazy (and not so crazy) people with guns and not enough resources to help the mentally, physically, and financially challenged. I’m happy to know that, through the actions of the officers, everything ended peacefully.

    1. Yes, totally commendable that they put themselves in harms way, to shield innocents. People are nuts these days. Too many criminals with guns. But we’ll never stop criminals from having them. We just had a police detective killed by her husband in the capitol city next to us. Domestic dispute. Some people, put no value on life.

  2. Good that nobody else was hurt. I just cannot imagine anything like this happening where I live. That’s the big difference about living in a country where personal weapons are very difficult to obtain. That random act of having a meal in a cafe and possibly being shot by a disgruntled stranger would never even enter my mind.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Unfortunately, we Americans seem to be more violent than many others. The genie is out of the bottle here, has been for hundreds of years. If they banned all firearms tomorrow. The criminals would still have a supply for possibly 200 years.

      We are in serious need of strict consequences for actions, and mental health reform here.

      I have been fortunate, in my 24 years on the street, I intercepted 3 armed robberies that were occurring as we drove up. While off duty one night, I spotted a guy casing a Waffle House and alerted the station, they caught him and 2 others across the street. They were already wanted for an armed robbery in the capital city, where they shot a man, but the victim survived.

      You stand a good chance of violence, anywhere that pastes those signs on the door banning weapons. Criminals look for those over here.

  3. Omg, Ron, that is way too scary – and sad…! Glad you guys weren’t there when this happened. Glad no one was hurt – except the poor joe blow – geez, how bad could things have been for him, eh? :’-(

    1. Sorry Ellie, I think there is a gremlin in my computer, or WordPress. I had replied to everyone, using that option in the control panel. I make sure to “like” a reply I get and respond to, so that if I go back and it is back in the list as not replied to, the like seems to still be set, so I know I have replied to it. It’s enough to drive me to drinking at times.

      I knew I had a new one today, as an email came for it. Big surprise when I found three from July 8th not replied to.

      Things must have been really rough for the fella, or he was just a hot headed jealous redneck from these parts.
      Thanks so much for the comment, Ellie!

  4. It does seem that many men really cannot cope when they are divorced or separated from their women partners. I am so sorry that the worker had to see her former husband kill himself in front of her and hope that they didn’t have any children.

  5. Too much craziness these days Ron. Between the pandemic, the unmasked crazies … it boggles my mind. We’ve had a heat wave for a solid week. It’s in the 90s. Here in the Detroit area, we had 12 random freeway shootings in the last 15 days. The state police said: “Think the acronym FIDO … forget it and drive off” … some are just drivers trying to stir up an argument by driving erratically or cutting someone off … when they react, they pull out a gun. The freeway shooter remains at large. I would not go to Detroit for love nor money and am glad I work from home, just 12 miles away, but I went to Downtown Detroit from 1976 to 2009.

  6. The coronavirus is having so many effects on people. The worry of not having a job, no money, loneliness and abuse. We are reading about young people dying by suicide. It is really tragic. Take care and stay safe.

    1. Yes, Lakshml. It is sad about the young people. We have real idiots here in the states though. College kids holding Coronavirus parties. They put money in a betting pool, invite an infected person, then the first one that tests positive, gets the money in the betting pot.

      Grade A, College educated idiots.

      Thanks for the comment!

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