Misguided Mail

Don’t you just hate getting other people’s mail? Living in a rental property can cause that, but the degree at times can be astounding. I have lived here going on 3 years and still get mail for people who moved 4 years ago from this address.

Telling the mailman does no good. He stops it, but when he is off the substitute drivers justmoved throw it in the box as long as it has the address on it. I have even spoken to the Postmaster to no avail. Sometimes the items are few and then other weeks there can be 6+ pieces and some look to be important.

I got so tired of writing “Not at this Address” that I finally printed out labels with large red text and keep them handy. So now when they come in I slap a label on them and stick them back out in the mailbox.

You’d think with all the good pay they get they would try to do a better job at looking at the address. After all the regular carrier posted a large note in the mail box that says “Mail here ONLY for the “XXXXX” family.

Do you suffer with this madness?

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