I meet the Troll…

I had forgotten about the joys of trailer park living. Some park owners can be real grumps. I got to meet ours again today. On our first day moving in here he came and was all bent about the mess the last people had left and offered to help me haul away the old couch, some old bookshelves and a mattress.

We have been nearly killing ourselves just getting moved in and he came by (I guess he does Monday visits) and was all ruffled about the fence line needed to be weed whacked. There was some old lumber lying around from the former people so he volunteered to haul it off which was nice of him. He just has a way of talking to you like you’re a crackhead or some young kid. He and I had words to a degree. I told him he had allowed the former tenant to accumulate the junk and trash for 2 years and I had only been working to clean it for 2 days.

Maybe that is the last we will see of him as we always keep our residence looking nice troll-1and I have just finished cleaning the yard of trash, weeds and cut the grass. This guy doesn’t even want unused cement blocks lying around unless your going to use them! Just a few (about 6 to block up the shop later) were in the yard . “Whatcha going to do with those, do you need them?” he asks.

Anyway perhaps that is the only rub we will have with him. He’s a nasty sort. I will call him the Troll from here on out and I wouldn’t recommend this place for anyone to place a home in. The park is nice, but he has a rotten disposition. I was told he is in the church down the road every time the doors are open and cusses like a sailor.

I guess having to deal with some people who are slow keeping their yards up might have made him a tad grumpy, but he needs to pick on those folks not the ones that JUST moved in and trying to clean up.

Comments always welcome,

6 thoughts on “I meet the Troll…

  1. Give him a chance. He probably has to come on as a hardnose, so people don’t take advantage of him.

  2. I’ve thought about that. He probably meets all kinds here. I saw him yesterday leaving with a truck load of junk someone must have left outside or something when they moved away. His wife seems to be really nice, his people skills really suck though.

  3. I think he is one of those guys who takes all the things he can get free and sells it for money- seems like one of those money grabbers.
    Does he breathe down your neck still, Ron ?

    1. Thankfully no, I beleive when he sold the man’s new lumber in the thread “The Grass isn’t always greener” She made him retire, before someone sues or has him jailed for his antics. He is 81 and can’t see well, drinks a lot I hear. A lady that has lived here since dirt was made, has taken over. She seems nice, only time will tell.
      If you need a chuckle any day, search for troll on here, I have several about him. Thanks for the comment Susie.

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