Self Torture in the Depot Office

Okay, it’s a Monday. Things seem to be going pretty good. I have my glass of sweet iced Tea, the computers are fired up and I am on the Country Depot Forum taking care of regular every morning things. Checking the server, logs, posts, etc.

first senior momentWe are finally getting a nice very light sprinkle of Rain. We have needed it. I keep hearing a light thump, nearly metallic and it sounds like the click of the relay in the UPS backup. so I lean over to my left and look at where the UPS is nestled in the computer cabinet and see no LCD screen showing on it so that wasn’t it, I received no on-screen notifications either. Back to typing… There it is again. This goes on for about 2 hours every 3-5 mins or so.

This is distracting because being the type I am, I love for things to run smoothly and any sign of a power problem catches my attention whether it is caused by outage, spike, noise on the line or just the self test running.  Finally after the 2 hours I am turning in my chair and reaching for a book in the computer cabinet and hear the sound. It’s coming from the window AC unit! I discover every 3-5 mins a drop of water from the roof outside is falling and hitting the casing of the window AC. It makes almost the same sound that the UPS makes when it is switching from AC to battery. I call that the “Water Torture” for the morning.

It is then that I realize I have been in here engrossed in posts on the forum and reading news of the world and have become a participant in the legendary “Frog in Boiling Water” torture. I feel a little warm and look up at the weather station on the wall above the desk and see it is 85F in the Office. It is 68F outside! Don’t let anyone tell you that computers and monitors don’t generate much heat. It was 68F inside the office when I came into it 2 hours ago. So like the Frog who is placed in a boiler of water and the heat gradually turned up and he doesn’t jump out till he starts to actually cook, I had not noticed the temp increase that much.

I normally keep an eye on the temp in the office and try to keep it around 74-75F as Computers are not fond of high temps. They run better when the ambient temp is cooler.

So i have had the Monday morning torture test for the week. I hope yours is not as strange as mine was.

Comments welcome.

3 thoughts on “Self Torture in the Depot Office

    1. Sorry Susie, I just found your comment. For some reason the system placed it in spam. I hope I have that fixed now.

      I have two computers in here (desktops), and naturally two monitors. The four items can generate more heat than most people realize. Especially when the outside temperature is moderate. In the Fall it is nice as I just close the office door and save a little on heat cost. In the Summer it gets rough as I have to run the AC a good bit. Of course the office being on the west end of the house getting full afternoon sunlight, doesn’t help mush in the Summer.

      Thanks so much for the comment!

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