Water Powered Internet?

Well the living room TV began losing channels on the movie channels, then the guide showed more “to be announced” that things to watch. All the other TV’s worked fine, only difference in the mix was this one was a DVR receiver.

Support could not fix it via phone so a on site tech arrived and said cable signal out of
cable repairspec. Internet has been running fine. When he unconnected at the pole water came out of the cable coax. Imagine great internet speed with a cable full of water! I call it water internet, at least it was flowing fine.

We are back up and running nothing changed except we now have the main DVR running correctly and we didn’t have to have it swapped out. Michelle threatened to do us all in if she lost her recorded shows. I myself think it was the work of the devious little squirrels here. I feed them and they eat the cable, go figure.

Ever notice how deathly quiet the house is with no TV?

Comments always welcome.

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