Bonfires and Beer you can hear them from here.

Actually I can’t hear them from here but it made the title rhyme. Listening to the Police Scanner tonight the local rednecks are out in force. Someone just reported his own brother who is having a drunken bonfire in a field next to his home. It seems he is bothering his brother by running around in the field drunk driving his pickup truck and shooting his gun in the air.

That seems to be a common theme in this part of the country. Beer, Bonfires and things that go boom! Just for a Saturday night chuckle let’s view how “not” to make a bonfire. Gasoline makes fumes that explode violently when they have sat long enough. Maybe they should start printing that little tip on the side of the Beer Cans. I once watched a rural volunteer firefighter almost perform this same stunt after a few brews, only he didn’t stand on the pile and pour the Gasoline. Apparently the brew kills those brain cells really quickly. Without further delay, let’s see how not to start a bonfire. 1:44 mins long but worth the laugh.

Warmer weather brings out the nut cases also. Speaking of which there have been at least three mental emotional calls in an area within a 5 mile radius of us. Could it be in the water? If so I see some cases of bottled water in my immediate future.

Comments and chuckles welcome,

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