Karma takes a day off.

It’s time for an update from the home front in the Park I guess.

Some redneck got a Motorcycle (one way or another) for a late Christmas present I guess. for three days he would fly up and down the highway with a very inefficient muffler. It was the Sport-bike variety so he thought it had to do 0-Warp Factor 2 on each exit from the trailer park.

You hate to wish harm on most people but it was getting so bad that even though you didn’t want the idiot to get hurt, you wished somehow the motor would blow up or he would crash it and walk away but put an end to the noise.

Fortunately the County Deputies just happened to be coming down the road yesterday after several of us made calls reporting the suicidal idiot when he made one of his Kamikaze runs out of the park and down the road. It had no tag on it, and judging by this book’s cover he probably had no license or insurance or ownership papers either. They must have impounded it and him as neither has been seen in two days. Sad part is the idiot has a 3 week baby at home. With all those wishing to adopt a child this idiot and his significant other are able to reproduce.

There just seems to be those days when Karma takes a day off and us lesser souls have to call the authorities.

Comments welcome,

2 thoughts on “Karma takes a day off.

  1. I highly doubt it, he seemed the type that has to learn the hard way. I figured only by him crashing the bike to render it useless would he ever stop.

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