Freaky Friday

Looks like it might be an active Friday. In Scanner news we already have one house fire in progress and one guy drunk and threatening to commit suicide in his front yard with a gun in his hand a short few miles from here. Says he will shoot any law enforcement that shows up. Jury is still out on that one right now. They should issue stupid crazy people guns like this. Then the only ones hurt are the crazies. Yea, sounds cold but I worked mental health 8 years. If your sane enough to get drunk and call attention to yourself, you’re not crazy, your drunk and want attention.

Update on our Motorcycle demon. He is of Mexican decent, living with or married to some southern girl of dubious intelligence with a 3 week old baby. He was over heard saying just before his disappearance last week that he had no Insurance, no license (and the motor had no tag) and the cops would never catch him. They caught him the other night as Karma apparently returned from a week-long vacation, he was leaving out like a Banshee and ran right up on the Sheriffs Patrol Unit sitting down the street waiting on him. He must still be in jail as we haven’t heard a peep out of that obnoxious motorcycle or seen him in a week now.

One ladies truck was broken into a few doors down and her stereo stolen. May not have been anyone from the Park though. Probably some local dope heads from nearby town looking for something to sell. Who steals Stereos anymore anyway.

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