Life in a Trailer Park June 18th News

Well, Friday went without a hitch except for the weather when we had a 38.7mph wind blow threw that lasted so long I nearly hunted a hole to crawl into.

Saturday is a different story. We have the same two that had a verbal ruckus a week or so ago at it again this morning. Scanner says one is cursing the other when they leave the house, and one is allowing their dog to roam loose. I’m wondering if it is a full moon
barney on for tonight. Two Sheriff units arrive and stay a while and then leave in good spirits. Maybe they made everyone hold hands and sing Kuum-by-yah or something. You hardly ever get anything in the county settled by law-enforcement. Not to mention response on this call was about 30mins. Good thing no one was shooting at one another.

Face it, your in the county all the city laws just don’t work out here, are not enforceable, or the county doesn’t want to waste the manpower. The County could issue a citation for the big ole dog running loose and it would probably solve the problem, it is a scary looking Rottie and the owner doesn’t keep it up, but then they would feel like dog catchers and they rather pass the buck to the county dog warden who has to cover an entire county and chances of him happening by when the dog is lose is like a snowballs’ chance in hell.

So the problem will persist until someone throws a punch or object and then someone gets arrested. Hey maybe this is just the way people entertain themselves in a Park.

Comments always welcome,

One thought on “Life in a Trailer Park June 18th News

  1. Lived in trailer p-arks for 20 years here. never had a problem like that. Maybe it’s the heat….

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