Our Stupid award goes to…

Today the award goes to Alabama Inmate Justin Caldwell who apparently thought that inmatewhile choosing to be a career criminal it would be a good idea to have a prominent tattoo on his forehead and nose. I suppose it is good fortune for law-enforcement  that he is so stupid.

Apparently our public education system failed him, or his daddy beat him, or his Mommie didn’t love him, or his puppy bit him when he was a child and it led him to a life of crime. Sentenced to 8 years for receiving stolen goods he escaped sometime in the last 24 hours.

So if you see Mr. Caldwell wandering around with his shaved head and a large tattoo on his nose and forehead trying to blend in and not be noticed, give your locals a call and help the misguided idiot back to his room.

Why do I use “Stupid”? A comedian once said, “Ignorance can be fixed, Stupid is forever…”

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