Finally Friday


The day is drawing to a close on this Friday evening, even the scanner is quiet None of the fights and accidents that generally inundate the airwaves. It’s actually been a rather unremarkable week. I spent most of the day here in the office trying to get Google set up to crawl the Blog, only time will tell if I have gotten it back to working.

On another note I never realized that a German Shepherd could shed so much. If there was a market for the hair they leave on my carpet I would have some pocket change to spend on things I want without much work at all. I can fill a standard vacuum cleaner bag in under a month. I must make a note of checking on that. There seems to be a market for nearly everything these days, why not dog hair.

Okay, I’ll wrap this up and go watch some TV since the real world tonight is getting too strange for words. I just heard a Deputy unit report that he handled the disturbance he was sent to check on. He said the teenager didn’t want to clean the kitchen because she had not messed it up. She was advised by the Deputy to listen to her father. Such a waste of resources.

I think teenagers that call the authorities for something so stupid as arguing about cleaning a kitchen should be made to do community service for a good while to teach them you don’t squander law-enforcement on a spat with your parents. Of course we can thank our schools for all the teaching they do to our young teens on how to defend yourself from abusive parents.

Time to unwind for the evening in front of the TV with the dogs.

Comments welcome,

3 thoughts on “Finally Friday

  1. Sometimes, local spinners and weavers have a market for dog hair. If it is shed, they can use it. If it is sheared off, it becomes itchy. Apparently, dog hair is warmer than wool…

    (I had an Akita Inu for 18.5 years who had two shed speed: Shed & Oh My!)

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