“Wacky Week News” in the Trailer Park.

After a long dry spell of no disturbances here in the park to speak of, this week decided it would break the blessed peace we had enjoyed. I should have known something was changing when the moon was still visible at 7am a couple of mornings. It’s not full, actually it is waning. Then there has been extra solar activity this week, maybe that’s it. Extra solar rays agitating the weak-minded.

The weirdness was confirmed as starting Tuesday when the park owner (that I call The Troll) came by on his riding mower. You can search for Troll on the Blog and get a sense of him. He’s elderly (very). He pulled alongside the fence on the road where I was working in the yard and spoke to me. I keep our place straight, I don’t like undue attention from anyone. You would think I was in a witness protection program. Naturally my first thought as he pulled up and cut the engine to the mower was, “I wonder what’s wrong now.”

I have since pressure washed my trailer

It turns out he was in a good mood and wanted to compliment me on how my yard looks. He asks, “Did you have your trailer painted?” I look over my shoulder at the light green algae that has started to grow all along this north side. “No, but I did pressure wash it last year.” I replied. Apparently he was trying to be nice for a change. I had been told he can’t see very well, He thanked me for being a great homeowner, fires up his mower, and with a wave he’s gone. I have since pressure washed my trailer.

The lady across the narrow park street got fired up once again Tuesday night over something, usually arguing with her grand-daughter that lives with her. She lets her two dogs out in her fenced yard to poop and bark. Then she comes to the back door that faces my place and dog cusses them (no pun intended) until they give up and come in the house.

The Pitt decides to try and eat a couple neighborhood Cats

Wednesday the church Sunday school class held their weekly meeting on the front porch of the trailer next door to the dog lady above. Someone in the group of 10 or so people thought it would be a great idea to bring a highly excited Pitt Bull with them. Now this is at the house where “Otis” lives. You may remember me mentioning Otis in an earlier post. The Pitt decides to try and eat a couple of neighborhood cats, he didn’t succeed, and nearly bit a kid, which prompted the Sheriff to be called.

The idiot confesses to the Sheriff

Thursday two doors down from us, the two neighbors that have had a running feud for the last year started up again. He was cussing and threatening to kill her and her dogs. She left, went to another residence in the park and called the Sheriffs. Now the funniest part is they were due to be in court today, Friday, because she signed a warrant for threats a month ago. The idiot confesses to the Sheriff that he did say he would kill her and her dogs. They put the confession in the police report.

The guy is a real piece of work. He flies a Confederate Flag in the very front of his yard near the street. He must be so proud. I stepped outside to get a picture to share. A little blurry since I had to zoom in. You can’t see his camper he lives in with his massive Rottweiler, but it is back and to the left of that flag nestled in between the two other trailers  and behind the boat that you see. The farthest trailer with the wooden fence is the one where the lady he threatened to kill lives.


Anyway, this is my first AND last time living in a trailer park. In a few months we will move this double wide to some private land and enjoy country peace. At least I don’t really feel like I live “In” the trailer park as we are out front next to the highway and on the corner. I at least feel like the park is behind us.

It is Friday night and I wonder if anything really weird will happen. Do you have crazy neighbors, or have you lived in a trailer park?

Comments welcome,

38 thoughts on ““Wacky Week News” in the Trailer Park.

  1. OMG Ron! I thought I was reading a novel!! What fertile ground this is for a juicy book full o’ crackpots and crackpot stories! This is just a great taste of such a book – should you ever be so inclined to write one. Or… maybe not, huh? Seems like you’re “fixin’ to move” outta that place now. Ah well. But at least you can write very entertaining blog posts about it. Right? Good one! 😀

    1. Thank you Ellie. I would love to get where I can write well enough for a small book of any type. It does get very interesting here on occasion.

      1. Got a little title for you: “Trailer Tales.” Small book, each chapter a different bit. You can self-publish it. Michelle can proofread. Go for it! 🙂

  2. I’m so happy that you are moving to your own property! Good grief, what a place! I agree with Ellie. You should write a book about your experiences there.

    1. Thank you, It might be fun. I’ve never written anything other than simple poems, so ti will be a new chapter for me, no pun intended. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Have you ever seen the show “Trailer Park Boys” on Netflix? Wondering if you have neighbors like Ricky, Bubbles, and Julian. They live in a trailer park in Canada and have some crazy adventures. My sons (in their 20s) used to tune in occasionally. Boy humor for sure!

    I like Ellie’s idea of writing a book!

    1. Hello Savoring Sixty, I have never seen the show, but it sounds like one I should check into. Thanks for the comment this evening. I appreciate you.

  4. I’ve never lived in a trailer park but we did have a very odd neighbor for awhile (a druggie, schizophrenic who inherited the house from his mother… thanks, mom). I’ll probably be struck by lightening for saying this, but we were so happy when he died of a heart condition a few years ago. The neighborhood held a celebration.

    1. I’ve thought the same thing about some neighbors, I may get struck by lightning also. I’m grinning at the thought of the neighborhood having a celebration. He must have been one strange character. Thanks so much for the comment.

  5. What a string of bigger-than-life stories! My son knew a woman who owned a trailer park in NC, and there was ALWAYS trouble brewing. I have a theory that having 100 feet of space between all trailers would lessen the friction.

    1. It has been an interesting experience Anne. I knew things went on in some parks, due to having answered disturbance calls while I was a police officer. Until now, I was never present to see the start of strange things, that resulted in calls to police. 100 feet of separation would be nice, I think the avg here is about 30-40 feet. The picture looks closer because I had to zoom in to get the flag clearly.

      I’m seriously thinking of a short book. I have about one and a half years of odd things that have happened so far. I appreciate the support and urging of everyone. Thanks for your comment.

  6. I’ve always wanted to have an alternate persona that lived in a trailer park for my blog. I have no experience there but I’m sure there are really good blog posts there. Good luck with your book.

    1. Thanks Kate, It comes in spurts around here. Quiet for a while, and then so much you have to take a moment to see if you’ve missed anything.

  7. Living in that trailer park sounds like my worst nightmare, Ron. We do have similar things here, called ‘Park Homes’, but they are usually strictly regulated, and nicely arranged, something like this. http://www.yaxhamwaters.co.uk/ As you can see, nice lodges, some holidaymakers, and no rebel flags allowed. To get past the regulations, you can only live there 50 weeks of the year, so by going somewhere else ‘on holiday’, you can stay permanently.
    My issue with them is that you never own the plot your property is on, and you are at the mercy of the site owner imposing any charges he/she likes, and increasing them anytime they want to.

    We suffered with very close neighbours, in a small apartment in London. One below, one either side, and one above. When we moved here, we made sure to have a house that doesn’t touch any other either side, and consequently have a very peaceful life.
    I imagine that you are looking forward to getting off that site, and enjoying your own space.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. That is a great looking place in the link Pete. There are some excellent parks ran just the way you describe, then there are those like ours where the owner gives it an effort, but falls pretty short. I’m just glad I don’t live in the worst type where you barricade the doors at night.
      I hate not owning the lot also. We had a lovely double-wide modular home out in the country on 10 acres. Our nearest neighbor was 300 yards away, and over a slight hill. Due to health and some other unfortunate events, we had to downsize.
      We are certainly looking forward to the day we can move back out away from the closeness of a park.
      We’ll make it, then we can throw a big party and share it through pictures with all of you. Thanks for the comment Pete!

  8. Lived in two parks back in my Military days. One in Beaufort, SC, sounds a bit like where you live now. After my hitch was up we moved it to North East, MD. Lived in it for a year and sold it. During my days as a State Trooper I made frequent trips to trailer parks for one type of feud or another. It made the shift go quickly though. One night they be frighten, next night they be loving. Write that book Ron, “Yarns from the Trailer Park.” You tell a great story.

    1. Thank you elfidd for the comment. Just like you, I remember those calls to trailer parks. The wrestling matches with some drunk in a tiny bathroom where he has run to avoid arrest for roughing up his wife. Then back out there the next weekend, same thing. Thanks for the encouragement to write a book. I have found real life can make some great reading.

  9. Your neighborhood sounds like mine, except we live in a house! Not as bad as a few years ago when we had a lovely crack house across the street! A humorous read! Where about’s are you in the world….?? 🙂

    1. I live in central Alabama. Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you enjoyed it. I would not want a crack house across the street, that would be a lot of stress I’m sure. Thanks so much for the comment this afternoon.

  10. I live in a senior trailer park this very minute!! And I like to think of the manager as our very own Troll!! But, I’m moving to an apt this week! please God let the neighbors be normal!!
    One of my present neighbors is a looney!
    Thanks for the follow. I enjoyed this post. I hope u do find peace and quiet on your own land.
    But then, what funny things will u have to write about?? lol

    1. Thanks for the nice comment, it’s good to know someone that shares the life. Best of luck in your apartment, it will be a year before we move, so there is probably plenty of material waiting to be written. Thanks for dropping in!

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