We shouldn’t complain, but I think I will. Some days are just fodder for posts.

After all, laughter is the best medicine.

What’s the old saying? “I could complain, but it wouldn’t do any good”. Sometimes it can be fun to complain, groan, moan, bitch (pardon my french), or otherwise let it all out. It can be a type of therapy. Especially if you’re as twisted as I am in the brain pan. The best thing is to look back over the day, appreciate you are here to have witnessed it, and try to laugh at it, or yourself. After all, laughter is the best medicine. There are a couple of links here referencing some past posts new followers may enjoy.

Yesterday we had a 40% chance of rain, according to the weather guessers on TV. So naturally we had thunderstorms and 2 inches of rain in one hour, on top of all the rain that had fallen.

Thought I saw Noah’s Ark

Now I live in a fixer-upper. You can’t beat the price with one of these deals, but you do get a surprise from time to time. Last night was no exception. The roof is old, and I have fixed a couple of leaks over the last two years. Last night during the storms, the wind reached about 40 mph with torrential rain, as in 2 inches in an hour. I thought I saw Noah’s Ark glide by, but the rain was too hard and I couldn’t see plainly through it.

Shingles, not the itchy kind.

This morning I discovered we had sprung a leak right over the dining room table. Not on the right, not on the left, but dead center. The good part? The double wide is not level, so it ran mostly to one side and soaked the carpet, instead of all around. If I had known, I would have placed the flowers that reside on the covered porch on the table and saved watering them. I could of also pre-soaked some laundry for today. Checking outside I find that there are numerous dark rectangular objects laying about. Yep, they’re shingles alright. On the bright side, I can now build the dog house and not make a trip to Home Depot for shingles, it appears there are enough to cover it. Now what was that insurance deductible?

Roadkill anyone?

Time for breakfast. My mother-in-law stays with us as she is in poor health, which I think has led to my poor health, but I digress. She decides to cook breakfast, which usually ends with the smoke detector going off. No, I’m not joking. Sausage and gravy over biscuits. Canned ones thankfully. Last time I ate her homemade ones, I nearly had to have a tracheotomy because they would not, go, down. The sausage she likes is good once it’s cooked. While it’s cooking, it smells like it might be roadkill 3 days old. I usually get nauseous and open windows. I went to the front door this time and opened it and the screen, and just stood there to get some fresh air. It appeared someone had rang the dinner bell for the flies that showed up, not a full minute later. Yes, go ahead and call me stupid. I was hungry and the smell had wafted on out. I should know better because usually if she cooks meat in anything, I wind up with an ailment that rivals the results of preparation medicine, for a colonoscopy. Michelle says I never learn not to eat her Mom’s cooking. Let’s just say I pulled the pin on that breakfast grenade, we’ll see what happens later on.

“Hey! Here’s lunch on me!

Reboot, where she likes to sit.

As if the gods, didn’t hate me enough. My sweet, lovable cat, Reboot. Jumps up on the

desk and assumes her spot she takes at times, in the space between me and the keyboard. Apparently, she doesn’t feel well. After a couple moments, she gave one funny sounding wet burp, and then expelled undigested kibbles. No gloop gloop, I’m going to throw up, best sit me on the floor warning. This gave me the fleeting urge to show her mine, but I resisted with great effort.

Nothing funny about a roof leak, wet dining room table and carpet, shingles blown off, or breakfast by the enema queen, but if I put it down in a humorous context, it makes it all better for me and I can smile at it.

Have a great Sunday, comments always welcome.

32 thoughts on “We shouldn’t complain, but I think I will. Some days are just fodder for posts.

  1. I typed in a comment on my phone, but it didn’t seem to come through here. ?? I know you had a rotten day, but you made mine! I was shaking with laughter reading this post. You are a stitch. I hope you have five glorious days in a row to make up for this awful one.

    1. Thank you Anne, I’m glad you enjoyed it. It makes my day knowing someone else’s day was brightened by a few words. Thanks for a wonderful comment. I need to check and see if I can post from phone.

    2. It may have been a temporary glitch when posting from your phone. Thanks for letting me know though, I like to stay on top of things here. 🙂

    1. I love finding the bright side of things and making them shine. Thank you for the comment, always nice to see you. Tell Henri I said hi!

  2. Are you sure the cat didn’t eat some of that sausage? I appreciated the links to earlier posts since I wasn’t following you then.

    1. I’m glad you liked the links Elizabeth. She sure acted like she had, but no, it was her kibbles. So far I am surviving, we may need to mark this on the calendar as a day of great triumph. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Thank you, glad that you enjoyed it. That is my reward for enduring it. Thanks for dropping by and commenting, your much appreciated here.

    1. Thanks, I try. It also makes for a good/humorous post for the blog. I just took the dogs out back for a potty break, and noticed more shingle pieces back there. Thanks for the comment this evening.

  3. Oh noooo, not the undigested kibble!!! Not – – on your KEYBOARD? Lord I hope not!!! Your day sounds like it was a lot…um… busier than mine? Unluckier than mine? Sighhhh… Tomorrow’s gotta be better!! (You might want to give your mom-in-law the day off from kitchen duty, though. 😉 )

    1. Missed the keyboard, missed me, thank goodness. She has always been sickly with a bad stomach. Some days it’s busy and some it’s not so busy.
      Surprise, I didn’t get sick ! I don’t eat her fried eggs, they are cooked in enough grease that it overlaps the whites. It’s a wonder the woman is still alive. Thanks for the comment Ellie.

    1. You have to smile sometimes Kathy. I like to make light of the less than truly serious things that happen. Share a smile today and thanks for the comment.

  4. Ron,
    I never knew you had the funny streak in you, computer whiz and all. But I laughed my head off at some of the evil that seemed to follow you around.
    There always is something, isn’t there ?
    The MIL part, sounded like a cartoon I used to follow when I was a kid called Hubert with a mother in law. But glad Michelle can see the funny side of things too and even advise you not to eat her mum’s cooking.
    Flies, shingles, rain and floods, leaks, and kibble on keyboard- you could have shared notes with Pharaoh about your ” plagues”.
    Loved this post- I think at least once a week, you need to write a humourous post to make us laugh.( No, I am not wishing the plagues on you)

    1. Something usually happens once a week around here. Either in the park, or in the house. She knows how her Mom cooks.
      1. PLENTY of oil or grease in cooking container (fry pan, boiler)
      2. Turn electric burner to a high setting.
      3. Give it three minutes to cook no matter the thickness, consistency.
      4. If the pan starts smoking or the fire alarm goes off, then it must be done.
      5. Look at it, declare it almost burnt, serve, no matter what the inside might be like.

  5. Life with a mother-in-law, on the trailer park from Hell? That’s a definite TV comedy, with some hilarious set pieces. Fortunately for me, my mother-in-law lives 130 miles away.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  6. I agree. This needs to be a sitcom! The good news is that you didn’t get a colonoscopy and your house is still standing! Flies! Yuk but they enjoy any kind of looking — the stinkier the better.

    1. I hate flies, Kate. Maybe I can get me one of them thar realty shows. I do live in a traler pawk, n I got’s goofey nabors.
      Thanks for the comment, I think maybe I should drop a letter to the discovery channel. After all, 15 miles down the road one of those channels had a mud bog reality show. One of the girls names was “Big Legs”. I kid you not. Really makes a person proud. People ask me, I tell them I know nothing about it.

    1. I appreciate it Kathy, thank you so much. Unfortunately I don’t do the Blog Awards. Your thinking of me for a nomination was very sweet. I love likes and comments, they really make me smile each day. Thank you again for considering me.

      1. Your welcome, and no problem, I know not everyone does blog awards. I hope by having you on my nomination list others will check out your blog, your stories are such a treat to read. 🙂

  7. How awesome is this. I never knew you had this thread or whatever you call it. I love it. It’s great. Hoping to come back again. How often do you do these?

    1. Hi Sandy! This is totally separate from the forum and anyone is welcome to drop in and comment, or just read if they wish. We always appreciate comments. This is my Blog that I have had for some time. I post to it periodically. If you’d like to get notices of new posts, click the “Subscribe” button on the upper right side of the home page. Thanks for the comment. tonight.

  8. Oh how I love finding humor in just about everything. Or at least a lesson. Good job.

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