Smart Phone screen-protectors. Who protects us from them!

Why something so small and apparently simple for many, is so difficult for me. I have stared down barrels of guns, talked to the sharp end of a knife, wielded by some crazy. I handled it. There is one thing that seems to be my nemesis, and causes me to break out in a cold sweat.

“Honey, will you install the screen protector on my new phone?” I get sick to the stomach, my whole body starts to vibrate. I have never, ever, had any luck with a screen protector installation. I take that back, once I managed to get one on a 10.1 inch tablet with just one tiny speck of dust in a corner. 4-5 inch screen? I’m a klutz.

If there is one tiny mote, particle smaller than dust floating around, it will find that damn sticky side of the protector. Then it glares at me every time I see the device. I have tried  dry application types (peel and stick). I have tried wet applications, you know, the ones you spray your fingers with the solution in the tiny bottle,  that always runs out on your second attempt to apply the screen?

The environment needs to be dust free, or as close as possible. I have found myself doing the bathroom shower drill. That is where you turn on the warm/hot water for a while till it gets steamy. Then turn off the water, then wait 5 mins, for the steam to cling to any dust and take it to the floor. So you stand there, trying to not sweat to death, and feel like your in a sauna. Yep, there it is.  A speck of dust, apparently impervious to moisture. I swear, sometimes I think I can hear them coming under the door.

It’s been a long day, I have the screen protector shakes so I’m calling it a night.

Comments always welcome,

15 thoughts on “Smart Phone screen-protectors. Who protects us from them!

  1. Dust is tiny.  I never notice dust under my screen protectors, because I always have air bubbles to distract me.  Did you ever have trouble with recalcitrant air bubbles?  Could be I’m blowing this out of all proportion.

    1. I love it Anne! “Blowing it out of proportion” that was great. I’ve had the edges try to lift up due to a case binding into them, they allow bubbles, and dare I say it, dust. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I would never even attempt to do that. They always look bubbled, even when you think you have got it just right. Our phones and tablets are ‘protector-free’, but kept in cases.

    Nice to see you back, Ron!

    Best wishes, Pete.


    1. I used to be able to do it bubble and dust free Pete, now that I’ve gotten older, maybe the dust is coming from me. It’s good to be back. Some med changes had me loopy for a while. Doc says I need to find something to do that I like, and relaxes me, so here I am. Thanks for the comment Pete, great to know I was missed.

  3. I have more air bubbles than dust too. I get used to it. Never heard of the shower trick before.

    1. I stumbled across that on the Internet, It doesn’t seem to help. Some of the dust mites must be wearing water wings. Thanks for the comment, and I’m glad I’m not the only one with bubbles.

  4. Yeah, I’ve always ended up with ‘bubbly’ screen protectors on my phones too. Which is why I now go without.

    On the other hand, they say: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” so maybe Klutzes ‘R’ Us should keep on trying! 😀

    1. Hi Ellie. Yep, I’m so adverse to messing with them that I still have the original protector on my phone from 2 years ago. The one from the factory. I’m thinking of taking it off. I take good care of my phones, they always look new when I trade them in or get rid of them. I guess I’m going to let my Droid go naked!

  5. I was starting to worry about you. Glad you are back. As for me, I had the cute child(probably in his 20’s) put the screen protector on for me when I bought the phone. I just stood there helplessly until he put it on. There are some advantages to pretending to be a dim witted old lady.

  6. Sorry to bust all your bubbles, hee hee hee, but I put a screen protector on, a glass one on mine and not one speck of dust or bubble, however, the screen protector I’m using is a glass one and with it came a dust free cloth, wet and then a dry one.  I was more concerned with a “fingerprint” then a dust particle.

  7. I use to put on the protectors but don’t even bother with them anymore. I have a case with a leather flap that protects it in my pocket. Our cell phone’s are so old maybe the screens are tougher. 🙂

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