Plenty of news from the Trailer Park Kingdom.

This is Thursday, I am behind on Trailer Park News, but it had been a pretty calm month for September.

This past Friday, someone had apparently celebrated too much, and in an unskilled maneuver, managed to drive through the ditch in front of our yard. They were attempting to go out of the park onto the highway, but turned way too early. I have no idea how they managed to drive through a cement ditch and not be a total wreck. They were able to continue on going though. I caught a glimpse of a pickup truck speeding away. The vehicle was heading away from the camera in this photo.  No sign of brakes applied before hitting the ditch. The two grooves seen closest to the camera, are from the under-frame. 

Saturday, Johnny Reb was obviously upset over management planning to move his “South shall rise again” abode, to the back of the park. The sheriff was called out to check on him, he was reported to be mentally unstable by his mother who had tried to talk to him on the phone. He has recently had a leg removed, and gets around now in a motorized wheel-chair. He showed some skill early Saturday as he motored around his lot in the wheel-chair, guiding his self-propelled lawn mower ahead of him. Impressive.

Speaking of mowing the grass, a young lady on the back row that works all the time, threatened bodily harm to the park maintenance man (David) who was riding his mower that is minus a muffler, and cutting her yard at 5:30am. He’s a nice guy all in all, but sometimes, I think he is a couple of fries short of a full happy meal.


Saturday evening and Sunday provided entertainment on the main highway in the form of high speed chases (three) that I would hear heading this way. I would go outside, or watch out the window as they sped by. I’m thinking of putting some lawn chairs, and a couple of pink flamingos out in the yard and sell tickets to the action.

Sunday early, we had screaming and shouting out front, between a guy and his girl. There are times, that I am glad my hearing has decreased some.

It gets quiet around here for a while, and then all sorts of things start hopping, or course it was nearly a full moon this past weekend.

They went up $25 more on the lot rent here, so I guess it is to pay for the quality entertainment. None of it bothers me now. I’m medicated. Now, if I can just get a network interested in another reality show, I could probably get out of this asylum.

Comments always welcome,

20 thoughts on “Plenty of news from the Trailer Park Kingdom.

  1. Always such entertaining reading, Ron. It makes my few concerns about barking dogs and early mowing (8 am) seem trivial. The sooner you are out of there, the better. In my opinion.

    Using a lawn mower from a wheelchair is tricky indeed! 🙂

    Best wishes, Pete.

  2. Hey! Here’s a thought – start your own YouTube channel and produce your own reality show. It could work!

    1. I need to get rich. It could work, if I have enough material to keep it steady. As long as I make it interesting when I do show something, it would keep it going perhaps.

  3. Heh, we already have a show here called Trailer Park Boys. But I think your ‘show’ is far more entertaining.

    A couple of comments:

    The speeding idiot who plowed through the cement ditch – I imagine his entire undercarriage has fallen off by now… But wait, are you sure it wasn’t Johnny Reb in his motorized wheelchair who did that??

    As for the crazy highway chases, I would instead put “lawn chairs, and a couple of pink flamingos” out on the yellow line down the middle. I wonder if it would slow ’em down some. Oh, and seat a scarecrow in each chair!! Yee-haw!!!

    1. Thanks for the comment Ellie, I always love hearing from you.

      I’ve investigated my share of accidents in my time, but I am stumped as to how they pulled this off. No glass, no paint from the body. Just evidence where they entered and exited. If that had been me, my vehicle would have been found nose down in the ditch.

      Johnny Reb probably would have sailed right over it, without leaving marks. He looks pretty agile in that chair. I’m surprised there isn’t a Confederate flag or decal on it already.

      The chairs in the road with scarecrows sounds fun, but these idiots in this part of the world, would just shoot them as they pass. I’ve never seen people enjoy shooting road signs and the little houses that the water pump system is housed in.

    1. He stepped on a nail I think the story is, and it got infected. He didn’t take care of it. We haven’t seen him, he’s probably in the hospital or jail for the last couple of days.

  4. LOL Well, who needs TV or movies when all you have to do is open your front door. Loved this post. Thanks for sharing with us 🙂

  5. It’s so nice to be able to read your posts again.  I see I didn’t miss as many as I thought I had.  Meanwhile, I’ve written my favorite Happiness Engineer at WordPress, hoping she could find out why I didn’t get notices of your posts.

    1. I find it comes and goes with the notifications. Seems many get afflicted by it at some point. I’m glad you found me again Anne, thanks for the nice words, I’m glad you enjoy the blog.

  6. Wow, 5:30 am.  Thats rediculas.   You sure do keep entertained.  ha ha.  Love your posts and wish you felt better.

    1. Thanks Sandy, I was just checking in here. I am not getting notes of new replies, I need to figure that out. I see this was posted 3 days ago. Thanks for the comment.

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