I don’t do Spiders, especially when they need a shave. Mishaps, and pending calamity.

Here we are at the end of another weekend. I seem to have survived pretty well. Other than falling down the back steps.

I had shampooed the carpets a few days ago. We have a pecan tree next to the deck out back. There is a treacherous oily sap that it secrets, which lands on the wooden decking, making it hazardous if wet.  It just so happens we had an all night drizzle of rain. I needed to go out in this light drizzle Saturday morning, and put up some yard tools I had noticed laying out in the rain.

Now, back to where I had shampooed the carpets. The cleaner used leaves a very slippery coating on the rubber soles, it dries, but is reactivated if moisture contacts it. If you step from carpet to vinyl in a hurry while doing the carpets, you’d best be holding onto something stationary. I go out carefully into the drizzle.

It has not been raining hard enough to wash away the pecan oil that has fallen. Making a mental note of that I start for the stairs. I gingerly placed my foot on the top stair and started with the other foot. The first step may as well have been a frozen pond. As soon as I put my weight on that foot, and lifted the other foot, it was over.

There are four steps, I managed to hit 3 of the 4. My left buttock bounced/impacted with each one, as if I were re-enacting a three stooges scene. I have been so sore, that I wanted to cry. Amazingly though, most of the stiffness and pain is gone. Must be my alien DNA, that helped repair my 65 year old bod so fast. No broken hip.

Pending Calamity
While sitting here at my desk, I noticed a movement just beyond the monitor in front of me. Sitting right on the far edge of the desk, was a black Jumping Spider. I don’t do big spiders, especially if I can’t have the advantage.

This one was not fully grown, and will not reach that stage if I see it again first. It was about 1/2 inch long and 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide. He was however, sitting there doing his Spider hump. Moving up and down on his legs. He was probably trying to calculate his jump towards me, but knew he would not clear the bottom of the monitor and be successful. I moved, and he moved over the edge of the desk, out of sight, great…

I grabbed some bug spray for ants and used half a can on the back of the desk between the wall and desk, along the desk, and under the desk. If he’s still here, he’s not happy. Neither will I be, if I look down, and he is on my leg, or in my pants.

No doubt the encounter will require medical attention, after I attempt to exit the office chair backwards screaming. Many of you probably recall my manly encounter with the Cicada earlier this year.

I hope your weekend finishes on a positive note. I’m going to the store for some Spider spray, and bubble wrap for my butt on my next trip outside.

Comments always welcome,

23 thoughts on “I don’t do Spiders, especially when they need a shave. Mishaps, and pending calamity.

  1. I don’t like the look of that spider at all, Ron. I don’t think we have that type here. I would probably have gone for hitting it with my shoe, given the chance. Things with more than four legs get no second chance, in my house.

    Glad to hear there was no serious damage to your back. Us 65-year olds have to be careful!

    Best wishes, Pete.


    1. Nothing broken, except maybe my dignity. I was plenty wet once I reached the ground though. That is one UGLY spider Kathy! Thanks for the comment.

    1. Really strange how fast thoughts can flash through your mind. First one was, uh-oh, this will be my first broken hip or shoulder. Sencond thought was, I had left my phone in the house and would lay out there soaking up the soft rain, till Michelle came home, if I couldn’t get up after this. Thanks for the comment Mala, always nice to see you.

  2. Ow-ow-ow!

    About 10 years ago, I took a similar tumble down a similar set of stairs – the bruising was fascinating, if incredibly painful. It sounds like you have “bounced back” rather quickly! Small blessings, yes?

    1. Yes Maggie, I bounced back really great. I had one silver dollar bruise on the lower hip, one cup size one under my arm. I had a big knot that felt like someone had inserted a golf ball under the skin, and was hard to sit comfortably. Best thing, I’m fine now, most all the pain is gone. Thanks for the comment, glad your fall wasn’t horrible.

  3. eeek!  Spiders!  A Halloween horror story!  I’m happy you made a quick recovery after the fall.


    1. Thanks for the nice words, it is funny that the spider shows up just before Halloween. I’ve seen nothing more of it, but I get a chill once in a while.

  4. I’m grateful you didn’t break anything. Here my grandchildren have taken to screaming if they even think they might see a spider. Did just read an interesting piece in the paper that fear of spiders may be genetic. Sounds believable to me.

    1. I’m not sure about the genetics, but I know I have enough fear in my genes to pass on! Thanks Elizabeth.

  5. I have read the two parts of your post. I have two reactions, each consisting of a two-letter word.

    1) OW!

    2) EW!

    ‘Course, I really wanted to use a four-letter word, but that would’ve been a bit rude. Be careful, Ron. Be well. xox

    1. Thanks Ellie, I used a few four letter words when I spotted it, not even sure what they were. Thanks for the comment.

  6. Sorry about your fall.  Wow, sounds like your live in a dangerous spot under that pecan tree.  Bottom line:  Does it give off pecans in the fall?

    As for the spider, shudder, shudder.  I hate spiders of any kind.  I was typing away one evening and one was on my wall, I scrambled to get away and ended up not seeing where he went.  And like you, I better not look down and see him on my leg.  YIKES.

    I told Carl about it and he went and got me some of those sticky 2 x 3 black rat catchers.  After about a month, I checked it and Ahhhh, caught 2 huge spiders.

    1. I worry about that tree every storm, it does give a plenty of pecans though.

      I put two of those small square sticky pads under the desk too. Nothing so far. I’m just glad it wasn’t one of these ugly things, Trapdoor Spider, Alabama. They are kin to Tarantulas, just not as much hair on the legs and belly.

        1. Sorry, I tried to post a picture of the trapdoor spider but it won’t for some reason. No the trapdoor spider is, or so the page said. Do a search for trap door spider alabama and you should see a picture.

          1. It’s ok.  I would probably freak me out anyway.  I’ll take your word for it.  We have jumping spiders here but you bet they don’t live long if I see them.  I yell for Carl to come get it.

  7. My sympathies on your recent adventures!  Very happy that the fall wasn’t worse.  A tip for any other bruises you may acquire is to soak in a bath of Epsom Salts!  Helps amazingly with the bruises and the soreness, and who can’t do with less of either (or both).  At least two cups in a regular bath, if a bathtub isn’t available than a footbath helps (though it obviously won’t be as effective it will still help), you’ll want about a half to one cup of Epsom salts in a footbath.  (My footbath is a dish pan bought specifically for the purpose, works well.)  And I have tested how well they work after a few falls of my own, including a graceless and painful slither down three steps last week.   Sheer stupidity on my part, which didn’t make my toe, foot, ankle and knee hurt any less.

    I’m not going to discuss your other adventure since I’m hideously afraid of spiders, and here that is fairly foolish although we do have some that bite.  However, having read your post and comments I now solemnly vow Never to set foot in Alabama!  I’m against chemical but do have a warm and loving relationship with my friend bug spray, … sad but necessary!  (Japanese beetles and cluster flies are our Major problems, as in fifty to sixty a day in the house in season, the joys of rural life near soy farms, … love that bottle of spray.)

    Hope your week has been improving!
    Bright Blessings,
    Grey Dove

    1. There are two things around here I really dislike, the big brown tree roaches, and the spiders. Thanks for the tips on the Epsom, I’ll have to try that.

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