The Trailerhood, is waking up.

It has been so quiet around here, that I had to take a walk around the area to make sure they hadn’t turned it into a cemetery, and neglected to tell me. That was two weeks ago.

A new Genius on the block

It seems like the walk I took, woke up some long dead spirits, and they have possessed some trailerhood denizens. Right after that walk, I noticed a new trailer being pulled in. In about an hour, there was a call to the county to send a deputy out to a disturbance. You guessed it, the new tenants were already fighting. County arrived and took the male person of the family unit to the jailhouse for assaulting the female person of the new family unit, in front of the Deputies! Now that is true genius I tell you.

If you can’t take it home, better leave it alone.

It just seems to have  come to life around here. There is a guy that lives about 2 houses up from the park, that walks down this way to the mailboxes chatting on his phone. More than likely that will erupt if and when it turns out he’s chatting to someone he shouldn’t be, necessitating having to walk away from the house to not be heard. 

Thou Shalt Not…  Whatever.

Last Sunday, I’m out front vacuuming the car out. I hear a vehicle braking hard and a door slam. Very loud voices and cursing. I look two doors down, and It seems the preacher from a nearby church, came to voice his displeasure to a member that called him out in front of members, for not paying him for work to the church.  They were both screaming at one another, and one or both were cursing. I thought it would come to blows, all in front of what looked to be a tiny 3 or 4 year old little girl, watching the whole thing. They finally separated and it was over.

If I had a Dollar for every time.

Yesterday, I heard loud voices shouting outside my room. I look out to see a black-male following a white female gesturing to her. He stopped at the mail boxes, got out and opened the passenger door, and told her to get in gesturing angrily and shouting. She refused, and starting walking back towards my direction. I grabbed my cell phone in case it got too bad. I caught him driving in a hurry past her (back home I guess) and she was walking back the same direction. As they say, If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen this around here.

Sunday morning Drunks.

Annabelle, Michelle’s Service Dog, awakened me around 4:30am. So I got up to check the house. Out front near the edge of our yard was a pickup truck  sitting there with its lights on shining into our yard.

My first thought, someone breaking into something, but what idiot, would park their vehicle with their lights shining into the windows of the residence. Then I remembered the genius mentioned above, so I decided to let the dogs out to check the back yard for me, while I checked our vehicle.

I waited about 15 minutes to see if there would be anyone around it. I was picking up the phone to call the county when I heard the engine roar, a thump, and in a moment the sound of squealing tires as it entered the highway. Apparently the person was intoxicated, had pulled off the road to get their bearings. When I stopped watching from the dark, and turned on the office light, they spooked. Instead of backing up, they drove forward. They had failed to note the large railroad timbers laying on the ground in front of them and drove over them. Navigated through our yard, missing our vehicle by about 4 inches maybe.

I ran outside and saw the pickup going down the highway. I checked and the car was not damaged, so they missed. Drunks are lucky that way.

Came over the timbers and bricks

Not sure how he missed, it must have been a fluke, the tires tracks are so close, you would have thought the body of the truck would have extended out far enough to hit the car.

Already a fight this morning in the park, I can’t wait to see what happens next. It’s not even a full moon!

Our last bit of news! Cold weather coming, we are bracing for a bout of Bird Flu in the Park.

Comments always welcome,

12 thoughts on “The Trailerhood, is waking up.

  1. I love your trailer park stories. I wish you didn’t have to live them but they make good reading. My mom used to say that God looks over drunks sometimes. You were lucky.

    1. I hope too, that one day I won’t have to live in it. Till then I will make the best of it. My mother used to say about the same, “God always looks after fools, and drunks.”

  2. Ron, it’s great to see you back! I was genuinely worried about you after such a long absence.
    I read this, and had a thought. I need to come and live next to you, in that trailer park. Then, we get some of your friends to move there, as well as a few of mine. Maybe get ourselves a few useful handguns. ( 9 mm Browning Hi-Power, and/ or Colt Python .357 magnum. for choice) Then form a ‘clique’ of like-minded, well-armed residents, and determine to tolerate ‘no shit’.
    Six months later, and that park becomes a ‘desirable residence’.
    (We might need to nix the spiders though)
    What about it? 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Great idea, Pete. I’m hoping a new insecticide is keeping the spiders at bay, they are greatly reduced in number at this time, so that is good.
      They come and go out here like gypsies, not sure where they get the money to move these modular homes on a whim.
      It must have been really rough at one point. 4 years ago the post office decided no door deliveries would be made. One of the female carriers was cussed out by some tenant.
      I’m doing alright, I hate to moan and complain, I like to be light and mellow. Medicine they keep changing on me, makes me just feel empty at times. It’s like it throws you in neutral. I come in to post on the blog, and I sit down with an idea. Then it just vaporizes into the ether. I’ll make it thgough. Just know I am trying to get in here, Thanks for the comment Pete.

  3. Oh, Ron! I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering how you and Michelle were doing. That was really a close call with the drunk’s truck. Like Kate said, I wish you didn’t have to live these things, but I always rush to read your posts. I hope you have a very pleasant week.

    1. Thank you Anne, those are very kind words. Michelle and I are doing okay. As I told Pete, it is just the medicine that seems to rob me of the enthusiasm I once had for so many things. I would like to do some video editing, and more electronic projects and share them. Then when I;m done with them, I just stop short of posting them.
      I have been around reading blogs, I’m just so mind numbed at times, I find myself lacking for a reply, but I think of all of you. Thanks for the very nice comment this afternoon,

  4. I am so glad to read about your life again. I know I shouldn’t be joyful reading about low lifes but I am. I lived among people like that once and I feel I can see the faces in your stories. Adjusting medicine is obnoxious. I hope they find one that protects your heart and lightens your soul too.

    1. Sorry it took two days to reply Elizabeth. I must have closed the window before hitting send/reply. Glad I looked back through. Maybe they will get it right soon, I know I’m tired of being this way. I want to get back to laughing at things, and poking fun at life again. Thanks for the nice comment. Your sweet.

  5. So glad I’ve gotten round to reading some older posts! Just saw this: “It has been so quiet around here, that I had to take a walk around the area to make sure they hadn’t turned it into a cemetery and neglected to tell me.” HAHAHA! That struck my funny bone!

    Oh, Ron! If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, don’t exaggerate! No, wait, that’s not what I meant to say. I meant, you MUST write a book! Your tales are so entertaining, and you have a really droll way of telling them. Please consider it! Wouldn’t you and Michelle and Annabelle like to be famous? 😀

    1. Not sure about wanting to be famous, but it would be nice if it made money. haha. Then I would escape this place before the madness infects me. I’m glad you liked the cemetary comment.
      Thanks for the comment, always a pleasure to see you Ellie.

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