News from the Trailerhood. (Yes, not a real word.)

Catching up on news around the Trailerhood.

“Johnny Reb” named for his Flag, and rebel attitude, was relegated to the back street with his flag and camper some time ago. You may remember him from several posts. Suddenly they drag his camper back up to the front lot again. By dragging, I mean that literally. It has 2 axles under it. Of the 4 wheels, two of them were flat on one side. Nothing but rims mostly. It gouged a track the entire way. It has sat there for 2 months now, empty. There was rumor, he was going to allow some girl to use it. Perhaps that romance fell through. Johnny Reb, is not a people person. However, he did win the Trailer Park Award in 2017. He missed nomination last year.

The South shall rise again?

I thought I had seen the depths of true cheapskates. That was before moving here. This past weekend, the former maintenance man was out back cleaning the septic tank once again. The new manager/owner was calling around checking to see if anyone was using too much water, causing the tank to overfill. There was water coming up in a lady’s yard near the septic tank location.

Too much book-learning.

A great old man once told me, there are those in this world that have more book-learning, than common sense. That, would be our fearless leader. Water seeping up through the ground, that has no odor, is not (in my experience) from a septic tank. Especially, when there has been a water-main leak in that same area (within 10 feet) 4 months ago, that was supposedly fixed. I’ll leave you with this replay of the maintenance man making his $60 on the side, by cleaning it out with a shovel. The video is from 2 years ago, but you get the picture. No pun intended.

Septic Tank Maintenance, Southern Style

Now I must go, and try to recover from the camping trip this weekend. I have mental images, that I wish could be unseen, but they are forever burned into my Psyche.

Comments welcome,

19 thoughts on “News from the Trailerhood. (Yes, not a real word.)

    1. Basically, yes. Idiot wanted to know if I bathed my dogs often, or had a leaky toilet or faucet. I told him I had a huge leak last week. But it all ran out on the ground, not down a drain. Really none of his business. This man is a college professor. Hence my remark about more book learning, than common sense. 🙂

    1. Your so right, Kate. Looks like it is picking up around here a little. Thanks for the comment on this warm/hot evening. Sun is down, still 87F heat index of 90F

  1. I still think that this would make for a hit TV series. At the very least, a book of short stories. One thing’s for sure, Ron.
    Rather you, than me. 🙂 Sorry about that.
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Sorry, Pete. I found it this morning in the spam folder. Not sure why they are occasionally filtering them. It’s an annoyance to those that comment. I’ll keep a close eye on the spam folder, and try to catch them quickly. Thanks so much for your comment, Pete.

    1. You’re quite right, Maggie.

      The camping trip? I’m trying to work out the details now. I need to post about it, but do so in a manner that doesn’t offend anyone, campers or readers. A private, invitation/registration only gathering, twice a year, attended by about 200-300 campers. This was our first attendance.

    1. As a matter of fact, it was optional. Just not for me, I hardly run around in shorts during the Summer. I mow the lawn in blue jeans. Things I saw, cannot be unseen. Eeeek!

      1. When there was going to be an American Legion convention in Portland at the height of the Viet Nam War, our governor, fearing demonstrations, funded a music festival which drew hundreds, me included. Many were nude. I completely satisfied forever any curiosity about differing male anatomies! I kept my clothes on as did my husband.

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