Adults with no manners

Here I sit in a Cardiology Waiting room where members of families undergoing possible serious operations are on edge. We have a group of people obviously from the south somewhere with the annoying southern twang that you can tell is exaggerated just for the benefit of themselves and others. Flashy jewelry from JC Penney’s and shoes studded with imaginary precious stones.

Not the typical redneck type but more the mindless football town types. After all we are in one of the cities of the rival football teams here in Alabama and they vacillate between loudly talking about Billy Bob that works on everyone’s cars, and asking who was it that twisted their ankle in practice and will the team be able to continue successfully. Now I expect this from a bunch of guys, but there is only one older man in this elderly 025 person group.

Loud, laughing and terribly distracting for a waiting area containing others that might be on edge or nervous over a loved one in surgery. Everyone else is talking in muted whispers.

It makes one wonder where they received their upbringing. They seem to be in their 50’s-60’s. Surely of a kinder generational upbringing and not the behavior you’d expect from older mature persons.

Maybe I’m older and grumpier, but a Cardiac waiting room in nowhere to be loud and boisterous with your 5 family members or friends..

There is a higher power at work perhaps, two of the 5 were just invited to the back to visit with their person they are here with so the noise level dropped about 50db to a mild country bar level.

I suppose the total Irony of the whole thing is one of the older women is wearing a  T-Shirt that says, “It is Mandatory to grow old, Optional to grow up!”.You know you just can’t make this stuff up. I wish I had worn one that said, “Lord give me patience, cause if you give me strength I may need bail money.”

Comments always welcome, and probably at this moment welcome. If I don’t stay occupied I may wind up in a bar room brawl in a cardiac waiting room.

One thought on “Adults with no manners

  1. It used to be that one has to be quiet in a ‘hospital zone’- not so any more. Sorry you have to deal with this.

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