Can’t see the bedroom, for the tree.

A short post about the neighbor that lives behind us in a single wide mobile home.

Hurricane Sally, was one of two hurricanes that managed to still be strong enough to cause serious damage in central Alabama. Sally, came ashore in Mobile 16 years after the last major Hurricane to make landfall on Alabama.

Sally, came a little over a month before Zeta which was strong enough still, to wreck our home and force us to move. Remember, we are 210 miles inland.

The elderly gentleman said he has a morning routine he follows. On this particular morning, he awakened 45 mins early and went to the kitchen to start his coffee. The strom was really strong at that time. While in the kitchen, there was what sounded like an explosion and the trailer rocked. When everything stopped, he looked down the hall to see limbs and what looked like a tree in the hallway.

A large limb, the size of a tree itself, and broken off of a tree behind his residence, and fallen across his mobile home. The tree had sliced through the trailer right between two rafters, obliterating his bedroom. Had he not awakened 45 mins early on that morning, he would have been killed.

If you look closely, you can see the large spot where the limb broke from the tree. You may also be able to see how cleanly it sliced through the home.

I hope none of you, have had such a close call.

24 thoughts on “Can’t see the bedroom, for the tree.

  1. That certainly is a close call, Ron. We lived in Florida when Hurricane Charley blew through. We were spared but we were almost the only ones in our neighborhood who were. Such devastation is hard to explain.Many of our neighbors had trees crash through their homes. We had almost bought a different house that summer. We drove by it after the storm. It was obliterated with at least four trees taking out every room in the house. Counted our blessings for sure.

  2. Is that behind your new house or at the trailer park? Dreadful either way. We had a tree come down into our upstairs when I was about six. I even posted some pictures of it at one point. It took out the swing set, the laundry line and a big chunk of the roof over where I slept. The storm was so frightening we were in the basement so weren’t hurt.

  3. Our house is surrounded by old, tall, trees. While we don’t have to worry too much about hurricanes in eastern Tennessee, we keep a wary eye on the trees during strong storms.

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