Carrying the Green Movement too far?

The new “Green” vehicle?

I had to run into the big city on an errand. The sun was out bright so I opted to take the Harley for the ride in. I was a bit dismayed as a sunny ride turned into rainy looking clouds over a short period of time. Then I happened up on this and it helped me find some humor in the less than optimal trip.

My apologies for the picture quality. The picture was taken while sitting on my motorcycle at a red light, from a cell phone camera.

We all want to be ‘Green’ and save the Earth, but I was shocked when I pulled up behind what appeared to be a giant bush, at a traffic light. Of course I knew it wasn’t really a bush, but all I could do was shake my head at the insanity.

It was a small compact type truck, fully invisible from the rear, loaded down with limbs from some type of bush.The driver was an elderly man, with a big cigar in his mouth. He had a sour look on his face as I passed him, like he’d maybe swallowed a lemon whole, or the cigar was too soggy.

I spent a long time on the way home, and sitting here now, just thinking up comical captions for it, or crazy/funny scenarios to say about it.

  • One first thought was he will thump ashes out the window and maybe catch the rolling bush on fire. Then someone could report what appears to be a low fast comet streaking down the highway, as he tries to stay ahead of the flames.
  • Or maybe you light it, and it becomes a new mosquito repelling truck.
  • It was about to rain, maybe the wife had him watering the plants as he drove to the store.
  • Maybe he was a left over fanatical Prepper from the 2012 survival craze trying to conceal his vehicle, Then he wouldn’t be seen and lead someone back to his secret bunker.
  • Another was some unfortunate person not paying attention (think millennial yuppie texting), Doesn’t see the mess in front of them stopped, and rear ends into it. I could just hear them calling 911. “911, please state your emergency”. Driver: “Yes, I’m not sure, but I think I just ran into a bush in the road?”. I wonder also. If the old man drove off after the impact, would he technically be “Leafing the scene?”

If you can think of something else to label it with, or describe it, have at it. It’s amazing what you can drive in this state.

Comments welcome, (no open flames please)

13 thoughts on “Carrying the Green Movement too far?

  1. “Leafing the scene”!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!!
    Bizarre – great presence of mind and timing, capturing the photo!!
    One teensy thing – you might want to correct your “to” in the title – it should be “too”!

  2. Your title is perfect for that picture, that was the first thing that made me laugh! I do have to say I have tossed a cigarette out the window and set the mulch in back on fire, so I can see it happening here! Thanks, this was fun…

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It made me laugh when I saw it. Thanks so much for the like and comment, and coming by. I’m laughing myself silly at the mulch fire you started!

    1. I’m glad that you liked that! Thanks so much for dropping in and saying hello. Thanks for the like and the comment, I really appreciate them.

  3. It’s too early in the morning to engage my funny bone and to think of anything to add. I did enjoy “leafing the scene” the most.

    I must say that when I opened the post, after reading the title in my reader, I LOL’d. I thought this might be a more seriously-tone piece on environmental crusades.

    Great post. Thanks for the my morning giggles.

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