Almost the end of 2020. Will we make it?

I hope this post finds all of you on the recovery side of Christmas. It was a relatively quiet one for us, the kind I like where you’re not in a gathering of many people you don’t know or recognize. Too many time we celebrate Christmas, and the majority are friends of the kids, or cousins thrice removed that you only see once, when it’s time to feast.

This year, we didn’t have to follow that crowd since the mother-in-law passed (rest her soul). In the past, her side of the family who are involved in the drag-racing circuit, would host a Christmas feast, and we would have to take her. It was more of a redneck event. People getting too much Christmas spirit in a bottle. Ex-husbands bringing their new girlfriend, or whatever title everyone gave her. Who the HECK invites an ex to a family gathering, especially when they are not on good terms. Someone would feel sorry for Bubba Redneck, and invite him. One year, they had the bright idea of hosting the Christmas gathering at a local bar/lounge. We refused to go. Later we heard of the 70-year-old granny table dancing. Too much excitement for me.

Michelle and I sat and sipped hot chocolate, watched the fire in the fireplace. Earlier on Christmas Eve, we had gone to Steven’s home for some snacks. It was just 5 of us there, then two guests of Steven’s came by. Nice quiet gathering. No drunks, ex-whatevers, no cover charge!

We had the tradition of watching Lampoons “Christmas Vacation”. Everyone quoted lines along with Chevy Chase in the movie.

Here’s hoping, 2021 will be a smoother year. Bless you all, and happy blogging!

Downsizing into the new Home.

I don’t know exactly where to begin. It has been a whirlwind of activity for the last month. First, I would like to thank each one of you for the thoughts and prayers, and contributions. The blogging community is truly a blessed assortment of friends.

As many know, the storm (actually the hurricane) struck around 2AM on October 29. Heavy damage that resulted in a forced move. The kids arrived the next morning, and with their help secured a small house in a nearby town for us to move to. Steven, the oldest, had moved out of it 5 months prior. It was still vacant since it was a small home. Two bedroom, one bath and a large yard. No one wants smaller homes anymore. It’s perfect for us. There is major downsizing being done. Hard to fit four bedroom three bath items into less than half the space.

Best of all? It isn’t run down and dusty feeling. Weather tight and cute. An actual stone wall houses the fireplace with a massive entertainment center. The entryway and kitchen, has marble flagstone as the flooring. Once we get the boxes unpacked from the entryway area, I will share some pictures. We have one cracked window in my office, that was struck by a rock thrown by a lawnmower, and a cracked security door. The people that own the property are having those fixed. The house has double pane windows throughout. Central heat and air. Carpet in only the bedroom, and vinyl and wood flooring. Along with the marble flagstone entry and kitchen area. Yes, it’s small, but so easy to keep up with. A small front porch complete with a birds nest. A back porch area that is concrete. A large concrete area with a fire pit in the center. A large shop out back for all our tools and lawn care items. I tripped over a folding chair and landed on my face on the concrete. Blood was everywhere. Cracked my nose but I have recovered.

We wanted to let you all know, that we are happy and thankful to all of you. Now I just need to find material for the blog. It shouldn’t be hard in this small little city with all the beauty around. It is cozy and quiet in this area. You can count on one hand, the number of sirens we have heard in the past month. I was a police officer here around 1999-2000.

That’s all for now. I will share more later. I hope all of you have a wonderful Monday!

Comments always welcome.

The Hurricane hit us. Heavy damage.

After I signed off last night. The main part hit around 2am while I was still up watching TV. Severe damage to the trailer. Office wall was blown in almost 3 inches in one spot. Fortunately it was raining little during the wind part. No stuff in the office lost.

Most shingles blown off, Too much damage for Michelle and I. Son came over, cut up what he could off the power lines, we still have power until the power company comes out to turn it off for safety. There is structural damage in the walls, and the trailer may have moved on the foundation blocks. The insurance was stopped as the home had reached un-insurable age. (1988).

Trees are down all over, one family had to crawl out at 2am as a tree fell through their living room. 

We have tarps up over the exposed walls. 

I will be sporadic online in and out, while we try to figure out what to do. 

There has been a Go Fund Me set up if you know anyone that might want to donate. Please share if you can, on your Facebook, Michelle is devastated to say the least, but we are alive.

Go Fund Me  for Ron and Michelle.

We’re alive, that’s what counts.

Changes, Life in the Slow Lane.

Things are changing here, in the trailerhood. The ex-maintenance man looks older and very tired, as he sits on a tree stump near the edge of the roadway. He’s there every morning just before the sun rises. Waiting for his ride to work. He always worked hard around here, doing things others would never do for a paltry sum.

Since virtual school started, you don’t see as many kids waiting for the school bus. There are just two that catch the bus currently. I guess many have moved out of the park.

We have some great people in our little cluster near us. The folks behind us, across from us, and the guy next door, are all great people, hard workers. Considerate of others. The type anyone would want as neighbors.

Across the way about 2 units down, there is a unit with kids, and the father works on vehicles near the back door. He seems to work all the time in evenings and weekends. You’ll see his work light shining from under a vehicle he is working on. I guess they are side jobs, besides his regular employment. You never hear noise from there as he works. I haven’t seen him, or any vehicles that he might be working on in days. I hope they are alright.

Me? I’m sitting here watching the traffic out front. Sipping some warm coffee, and rubbing the head of my faithful dog. He likes to stand next to me and rest his chin on the desk and peer out the window.

I suppose it’s time for me to get a second cup of coffee, and start planning my day. I hope your day is a great one.