If you think your day was bad, check out this poor guy.

I’ve had a great Saturday! It may have rained, but being the strange person I am, I enjoy overcast days. I like sunny days as they too have a place in making life enjoyable. There is just something about a day that looks like rain, but it never does.

While I was reminiscing about the day, thinking how I was sure there were many that might have had a bad Saturday, this old post came to mind. So if you had a bad day, or you know someone that did, send them here to see this fella having a ‘really’ bad day.

“A Hard Day” is relative.

I’m going to finish my nice day, with a movie on television.

Comments welcome,

Waiting Room Entertainment.

A week ago someone had posted on their comical trip to the Emergency Room. Then last night our daughter was here and we were trading stories, since she just went with a friend to the ER. It reminded me of this post I did last year in July. So I am recycling it here on this Friday morning! This is my second attempt to bring this post back to life today. Something apparently didn’t take this morning.


Some time ago my wife had to have back surgery, an outpatient procedure taking about 3 hours all total. I sat in a large waiting area during that time. It was totally different from the small waiting areas for the Coronary or ICU wings, where most are somber, quiet, and for the most part courteous people.

This area held about 110 people at full capacity. Today there were maybe 50. I sat there and thought about how society had slipped into the “me” generation. Even those that appeared to be in their 50s. One man sitting acrosshillbilly from me looked like one of the characters out of an Andy Griffith episode, the people that lived up in the mountains. He had a nearly 6 foot long staff with a leather wrap near the top. He had a full fluffy Santa Claus beard and was wearing overalls, with no T-Shirt. It was hard to say if it was a fashion statement, or just he was really that simple-minded to not realize how tacky it was. However, in today’s world how can we really define tacky. Listening to him speak with the lady he was with, who was dressed in jeans and what we call the “Wife Beater” tank top, that thin stretchy t-shirt material southern redneck men usually wear, Maybe he or both were out on a pass from an institution.

Looking around there is a woman ambling through the waiting area of robust size, wearing a thin pullover stretch T-shirt and spandex. It actually looked more like the tights you exercise in. It appeared they were rated for a size 10, maybe 140 lbs max, these were now supporting what appeared to be a size 20XXL on a 5’7? Frame, weighing about 270lbs. As she made her way across the room away from our area, it looked as if she was smuggling two pit-bulls out of a Pet Store, and they were fighting to get out of the rear of the conveyance. It is about 20 seconds of visual memory I’d rather not have witnessed.

The noise level from people talking loudly on their phone, or playing games with the volume turned up so they could hear it over the people talking, was really just over the top as far as manners.

There is a comedian, and the name escapes me at the moment, like many other things, that once said. “This here’s America! You can do anything you want, long as it doesn’t hurt anybody!”

Comments welcome,

Apparently, Budget cuts are really tough!

I was going through some pictures tonight, and came across this one. I thought it might bring a smile to anyone that had a rough Friday. Of course nothing compares to having actually been there in person to see it.

Michelle and I had traveled to north Alabama to visit a friend of her’s. As we got closer to the lady’s home, we saw this on the side of a main two lane country road. It was near a small town of Townley that we had not yet entered.

It’s very apparent that someone in that area, has a huge sense of humor. The items are actually sitting on wooden pallets, as if it was a floor area. I didn’t partake of the facilities, mainly because they had no snack machines. 🙂

Photo taken by me


Comments welcome,

Men should NOT use household power tools.

This morning started off fairly well. That changed 4 cups of Coffee later. All that consumed caffeine in the system was  screaming for a way out, I was ready to construct (or destruct) something. Then I spotted the vacuum cleaner looking lonely on the other side of the room. The computer room (my man cave), needed a good vacuuming.

Things were going fine, that is until the vacuum developed an attitude. The vacuum is new and works fine, its one of the clear canister ones, that allows you to watch the gross stuff swirl around, like the stuff is about to come out of it. I also forgot a major rule, “Men should NOT use household power tools without supervision”.

Things were going great, then I noticed a couple of very tiny bits of paper under the desk. Of course, they were laying too close to a small power wire, you know the kind, flat smaller than a phone charger, the type easily devoured by a vacuum. So to be careful, and avoid damage to the wire, I decided to  crawl under the desk and move the wire out-of-the-way. I’m 65 years old and 220lbs. Picture that easing under a desk to do anything, okay lets not go there, the mental picture may be too much for some.

I have been known to leave out a step or two in doing something if it will save extra movements or time. I gently lay the vacuum down. Nope, I didn’t lock it in the upright position. Its laying there running, right next to the edge of the desk as I start my crawl. I know better than get down on the ground next to a running lawn-mower, not sure what possessed me to trust a household power tool, would not devour me.

I’m backing out very slowly, when the left leg of my baggy sweat pants is ingested by the vacuum. Not sure who was shocked most, me, or the cat that took off when the commotion started. All would have been fine, but I decided to temp fate and finish the destruction I had started. Again, I refer to the above rule, “Men should NOT use household power tools without supervision”. I’m halfway through vacuuming the room, and apparently, there was this loose loop of carpet fiber… I’ve seen television shows of machines weaving carpets, this is the second time I have watched a machine, ‘unweave’ a carpet. There is now a distinct line of missing carpet, about 3 feet long (I was slow hitting the foot switch). I managed to remove the huge looking crows nest off the roller.

I decided I had made enough improvements for one morning, and I would be better off not pushing my luck and end up spending the day in the Emergency  Room. I may wind up there anyway, after I tell the wife about the carpet.

Enough of the power tools for one day. I’ll spend the rest at the keyboard.

Comments welcome,