Well, 2017 is here as off yesterday and this is the first weekday of the new year. It has rained for the last 3 days. This is December but it is 65F and has been for the last 3 days. Thunder and lightning outside at the moment with rain pouring down. It’s a messy way to start a new year.
Power is coming and going and the UPS’s are keeping things running smoothly here in the Depot Forum office. As long as no tornadoes show up we will be good to go.
Rain is coming down now at 1.93 inches per hour. Let’s hope it stops after this hour or I’ll need to dig out the plans for the Ark.
Scanner reports a vehicle wreck out on the Interstate about even with us. They say the vehicle is off and in the trees. Someone going too fast for the conditions. We always said that this area was a place of “Instant Idiots, just add water”.